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Comment Re:This is not a bad idea (Score 1) 848

While I agree with you that enabling an institution to grant science degrees to an assembly line of hack "scientists" is a terrible idea, the lack of respect most Slashdotters have for other beliefs is disheartening.

Sure, if a belief conflicts all of our known scientific knowledge, that belief should be disregarded (e.g. the earth is not 6,000 years old). But our kneejerk reaction to mock any spiritual belief, even if we have no scientific reason not to, isn't much better than Creationists ignoring evolution because it just doesn't seem very Biblical.

I'm sure there are plenty of things Creationists could propose and research that do not have an established base of scientific proof. Sure, many of their publications would be all questions with no answers, but laughing off a researcher adhering to the scientific method (no matter what his intentions) isn't right. Yes, be skeptical and throw away any idea that ends with " stated in Mark 2:18.", but don't disallow their valid points just because of a sense of elitism.

In short, don't be a Scully.

Comment Re:Great way to get LESS registered voters (Score 2, Insightful) 1088

Nope. The measure doesn't spring into action until enough states accept the resolution to ensure the popular vote overrides the other states. In other words, if less that 270 electors' worth pass a similar measure, Iowa's votes will work the way they used to. However, once more than 270 are on board, they switch to the popular vote method and winner takes all. If anything, Iowa's votes will count for more because of this measure.

Comment Going to have to sue the county too (Score 1) 481

Allegheny County (where Pittsburgh is) has all houses on their property assessment website.

Here is this one:

The county has been causing all of us Pittsburghers untold amounts of "mental suffering" for years.

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Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
