Comment Re:Such a time... (Score 1) 66
I was partial to AMI PRO until Lotus got their hands on it and ruined it.
I was partial to AMI PRO until Lotus got their hands on it and ruined it.
Don't forget to include decommissioning costs for that coal plant and paying for the disposal of all the coal ash up front. Also you need to integrate the cost of backup for when the plant is out of service for modernization. See, we can all play this game.
That really depends on what rural area you live in. Here on the Eastern Plains of Colorado it's ATT or tin can and string.
What is the Democrat Party you refer to?
I've heard of the Democratic Party but the people that talk about the Democrat Party are usually right-wing nutters.
Yep, the DoD has thousands deployed to support classified networks. All the data is maintained on highly secured servers with no data on the hardware that is on the users desk. VDI to the rescue.
It's a freaking television. If it requires an extensive manual to use it then it is a piece of shit with a bad interface that you should return to whoever sold it.
I see you haven't bought one of today's "Smart" TVs, those damn things are as much computer as they are TV. Try figuring out one of Sony's Android TVs without consulting the manual AKA Internet.
Get out of here with those socialist ideas.
State Universities:
In 1975 a student was responsible for approximately 20% of the actual cost of their tuition, meaning
- you could actually work a minimum wage job and put yourself through school at the same time (I did this)
- you did not need to pile up huge loans that you would be paying back for the next 20+ years
Today the student is responsible for 90%+ of the actual cost of their tuition, meaning
- with the meager increase in minimum a student cannot put themself through school working a minimum wage job
- the student and sometimes their parents have crippling loans for the next 20+ years.
This is mostly due to the decrease in state funding for state universities, see Wisconsin for a case study.
DIsh Anywhere does exactly this, records the signal at your primary residence and then allows that recording to be streamed to your device. That device may be located pretty much ANYWHERE. The catch is you are limited to a single stream at any one time.
So how exactly is FO or Ethernet better than Coax or Airspace? Yes, IP delivered video allows you to watch on your schedule but that IP video is UNICAST which is a much less efficient way of using the delivery medium than the BROADCAST method used by cable, satellite or better yet airwaves. Plus if you really want to watch the BROADCAST then you can always use a DVR.
Go away 50 cent army 7-digit UID. We know.
Says the "anonymous coward", if you had actually, you know, read my comment you would see I also believe the Chinese were behind it but was wondering if maybe there was some actual evidence instead of speculation and presumption. But here I am replying to an AC that enjoys being the BMOK (Big Man On Keyboard).
. You know right away that you are infected and can restore.
Actually you may not know right away, some variants of Ransom Ware invade your system and lay dormant for a while. You make a backup and now it's part of your backup. The ransomware kicks off, you wipe and restore, the Ransom Ware on you backup then kicks off. Lots of fun.
Chi-Com??? LMFAO Might be time to update your vocabulary. Chi-Com is so Reagon era.
Obvious conclusion sure and IMO probably correct but do we have anything but speculation, does Senator Cruz have any actual, you know, evidence?
Chile is a much larger supplier of lithium than Australia.
"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson