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Journal AB3A's Journal: ADIZ training comments

The FAA tried to make the Air Defense Interrogation Zone (ADIZ) around DC and Baltimore permenant. They posted a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) and over 20,000 comments came flooding back --and I doubt even one of them had anything good to say about the present state of affairs. So they must have tabled the effort. It's still a NOTAM.

Now, upset that anyone can penetrate the airspace with little warning, they want pilots within a 100 mile radius to take special training so that they can fly in and around the ADIZ. The traning is required if they transit anywhere through this 100 nautical mile radius from Washington DC.

I don't get it. More than 20,000 people commented on the ADIZ saying basically that it's ineffective, it is a lot of extra work, and that nobody thinks it's a good thing. Now they want to make sure that we know this by insisting that we all take training courses on it.

Can't the FAA admit this was a dumb idea and try something that works. Keep in mind that the only person convicted of genuine 9/11 style behavior was discovered by some flight instructors talking amongst each other. Why not encourage pilots to socialize so that airports become home towns where people know each other and look out for each other, instead of anonymous places where someone can get away with almost anything?

Oh, that would look too easy. We need bureaucracy and program managers to work on big ineffective projects so that it looks like we're doing something. Sheesh. Your tax dollars at work...

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ADIZ training comments

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