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Comment Re:Suppose they can't stop the oil (Score 1) 768

> It won't kill the krill dude. If 10 billion gallons leak, each gallon of oil will have about 30,000 gallons of seawater to mix with (that is assuming that none of the 10 billion gallons degrades over time).

Sure, 30000 to 1 is low. Next time you take a bath (~300 liters), spill 1cl of gasoil in it (1 centimeter of the bottom of a small glass). Then take you bath, and come to post here about the results again.

Comment Re:x64 (Score 1) 179

Best part of the article:

"In order to beat it, Little Gray killed 390,895 creatures, dealt 7,255,538,878 points of damage, completed 5,906 quests, raided 405 dungeons and hugged 11 players. We think he had sex zero times."

Upgrading to x64 would probably be darwin award worthly...


Comcast Awarded the Golden Poo Award 286

ISoldat53 writes "The Consumerist has awarded Comcast the Golden Poo award for the worst company in America. From the article: 'After four rounds of bloody battle against some of the most publicly reviled businesses in America, Comcast can now run up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and hold its hands high in victory — it has bested everyone else to earn the title of Worst Company In America for 2010.'"

Comment Re:Exactly. (Score 1) 411

> Why do we see questions like this so often? Why aren't people going to existing services with guaranteed availability that let you store a generic blob? Pass the buck -- they're probably going to do it better anyway.

Yes, right. They are going to do it by the cheaper way: they will not protect your data, as it is more effective way for such business it to give the better return to shareholders and just go under if they loose all customer data.

Guess why there is are regulations for insurances, and there is none for data retention services.

Comment Re:Nooo ! (Score 1) 440

> Hell, the Mac software community used to point out "Cocoa!!" as a feature. And got pissy with me when I told them that Cocoa isn't a feature, it's an implementation detail and your users don't give a flying crap.

Try to move the window of a busy carbon app, and come back to talk to me, young padawan...

Comment Re:What about the software? (Score 1) 135

> The most interesting thing about that was that the 'auto parallelization' code used 8 cores to get slightly more than 50% more performance than it got with one core

No, we don't know that as there was no benchmark of sun studio with as single core (if I read correctly). We don't know how much //ization gave to sun studio. We just know that "auto-8" core's sunstudio == 2* single core gcc.

Comment Re:Shrimp free zone? (Score 1) 643

The way you should put it is that the probability of having a trained person is 1 - the probability of having no trained person. If your numbers are right, we have:

P = 100-((((100-24.8)/100)*((100-80)/100)*((100-20)/100)*((100-23.3)/100)*((100-4.73)/100)*((100-33.63)/100))*100)

So a 94% probability of having a person trained on board.

Comment Re:So he's a politician (Score 1) 670

I am not American, but I am just speechless.

> McCain and Palin, while they talk scary, were more consistent and trustworthy than the Democrat team

What an amazing thing to say. How can McCain be consistent after the flip-flop he made on that economy thing ? How can he be considered consistent and trustworthy when he chose Palin as a last minute impulsion ? How can Palin be considered trustworthy after the way she billed Alaska taxpayers for her daughter expenses ?

Your Democratic congress may be a bunch of money hungry pussies, but there is no doubt that Obama was a much better choice than the retarded McCain/Palin ticket.

That anybody can believe the opposite is scary as hell.

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