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Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 5, Informative) 473

Incandescent technology isn't being banned, just being pushed to evolve a little. If you need to dim look for 29, 43, 53, and 72, watt halogen bulbs. These replace 40, 60, 75, and 100 watt standard bulbs respectively and comply with the new law. These are marketed under the Eco Smart brand by Phillips, Super Saver by Sylvania (Made in USA too), GE also sell them. These are more pricey than standard bulbs and the Sylvaina ones are 1/4 inch less in diameter, but are a suitable replacement.


Ham Radio Licenses Top 700,000, An All-Time High 358

Velcroman1 writes "The newest trend in American communication isn't another smartphone from Apple or Google but one of the elder statesmen of communication: Ham radio licenses are at an all time high, with over 700,000 licenses in the United States, according to the Federal Communications Commission. Ham radio first took the nation by storm nearly a hundred years ago. Last month the FCC logged 700,314 licenses, with nearly 40,000 new ones in the last five years. Compare that with 2005, when only 662,600 people hammed it up and you'll see why the American Radio Relay League — the authority on all things ham — is calling it a 'golden age' for ham. 'Over the last five years we've had 20-25,000 new hams,' said Allen Pitts, a spokesman for the group."

Rare-Earth Mineral Supply Getting Boost From California, Australia 84

An anonymous reader writes "In recent times, the world's supply of rare-earth minerals has suffered from both increased demand, due to their use in modern technological devices, and uncertain supply, as China restricts the flow of exports. Now, Molycorp's mine in California has re-opened, and another in Australia is set to open later this year, easing — but not erasing — worries about skyrocketing costs. '[The mine had closed] in 2002 following radioactive wastewater spills and price competition. The largest spills, from a pipeline to Nevada, occurred in the late 1990s, in protected lands in the Mojave Desert. The company has since changed its ownership structure. ... It's being rebuilt to produce up to 40,000 metric tons of rare-earth elements by 2013, which would be a 700 percent increase from its production target for the end of this year."

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 292

I could have chosen the power outage one as our power did go out. I did not choose that because our outages were momentary and with the exception of our HDTV and cable box nobody was affected by the electronics going off as my mom's computer was on standby (it can ride through momentary outages with the filter capacitors in the PSU alone in standby), and I have a lot of things on Uninteruptable power supplies including my CRT TV, DVD recorder, and cable box. Hint, look around at Hamfests for UPS units, I got working ones for five bucks each.


Submission + - Siri and privacy (ssrn.com)

Enoughads writes: A paper from last year predicts the trend toward ever more social interfaces like Apple's Siri and suggests that they raise unique privacy concerns, beyond just collecting information. Will you search for the same things if it feels like you're asking a person? Can you ever experience solitude, surrounded by devices or apps your brain thinks of as people?

Submission + - Schools in Portugal Moving to OSS (publico.pt)

thyristor pt writes: In light of massive national budget cuts, the Portuguese government will force public schools to move to free/open source software . Schools with some 50.000 outdated computers won't see their software licenses renewed, the main reason being the cost of hardware upgrade inherent to mostly Microsoft software updates.
Will the Euro debt crisis be a driving force to the spreading of open source software?

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