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Comment Re:Wanna earn $200K+? Two words... (Score 1) 473

As other posters have commented, there's a wide range between "small town" and "major city." Many cities with populations around or below 1 million have vibrant communities and relatively low costs of living. In one of Ohio's larger cities, I'm able to own a cape cod in a nice neighborhood on an income below $100k.

Not gonna knock New York and LA here. Just saying, midsized cities can have their benefits, too.

Comment Re:As apprehended.... (Score 1) 710

I still see a different intent there. If you send a letter to express a grievance, your correspondence has a legitimate purpose. If you send them junk in a deliberate attempt to disrupt them, you're harassing them. DDoS is more analogous to the latter.

Comment Re:As apprehended.... (Score 1) 710

No, not necessarily. Sending a political statement to a congressperson arguably serves a legitimate purpose besides nuisance. I didn't assume that the "you" in the question was a public figure whom civilians might sincerely need to contact in an attempt to participate in the political process.

Google TV Next Month, Boxee In November 132

itwbennett writes "In a WSJ interview, Intel CEO Paul Otellini said that 'Google TV starts shipping this month.' Although, as blogger Peter Smith notes, 'Exactly which devices he means isn't clear. Sony TVs and the Logitech Revue will be the first out so if he is referring to a finished consumer project, he's referring to one or the other of those, but as CNET points out, he might be referring to product shipping to retail rather than being on sale to consumers this month. Either way, it looks like you'll be able to have Google TV in your living room by sometime in October at the latest.' What, if anything does this mean for the Boxee Box, which is still due in November? 'If Google is out there first, and puts marketing muscle behind Google TV (and of course they're including it built into some televisions) it might be hard for Boxee to find its niche,' says Smith. 'Particularly with that bizarre form factor that won't fit anywhere.'"

Patent Office Admits Truth — Things Are a Disaster 278

An anonymous reader writes "For years the US Patent and Trademark Office has published data to show how well it and the patent system were running. Under new leadership, the USPTO has begun to publish a dashboard of information, including a new look at questions like how long does it really take to get a final answer on whether you will receive a patent or not? The pat answer was, on the average, about 3 years. But with the new figures, it's obvious that the real number, when you don't play games with how you define a patent application, is six years. The backlog of patents is almost 730K. And the Commerce Department under the Obama administration wants the average down to 20 months. How does this happen? Only if everyone closes their eyes and pretends. It's time to take drastic action, like ending software patents. As it is, by the time companies get a software patent, there's little value to them because, after six years, the industry has already moved on."

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