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Comment I've worked with a lot of coders in my time... (Score 1) 253

Hardly any of them are in it just for the money. The ones that are just drop out during uni when they realise that you need a brain. I've only met one or two coders who really salivate over the money. Most just want an interesting job to work on and good people to work with.

Maybe Australia is different, but 99% of the coders that I've worked with would never drop the ball in order to just make more money (I can only think of one guy and he was a genuine psychopath). All of the good ones stick around and get the damn thing delivered, normally even when that means late nights and horrible bosses. We have professional pride and always strive to deliver the best possible system given the constraints. If you don't, then word gets around pretty quickly and you'll find it very difficult to get more work. You can always spot these people, they have lots of 3-6 month projects on their resume, and when you drill them for details it's always a bit too vague.

Comment Re:Java or Visual Studio 2010 anyone? (Score 1) 297

Visual Basic 4.0 starts up in three seconds on a ten year old computer. I have much more advanced IDEs on my machine nowadays, but if I just want to code up something for the fun and expect quick results, I'll still fire up VB4 from 1995.

Wow, really? Maybe you should try using notepad and vbc.exe to compile. Super quick!

Comment Re:Java or Visual Studio 2010 anyone? (Score 1) 297

Also Java and Visual Studio tend to be used by less skilled developers and students (disclosure: i'm a student). Poor responsiveness of programs written in Java or using VS is more a factor of who is writing it than anything to do with the language / VM / IDE.

Java and Visual Studio less skilled developers? Nope. No it doesn't.

But thank you for your disclosure, that explains a lot.

Comment Re:The real reason people like noSQL... (Score 1) 259

Not only does SQL work, it is the best at what it does.

The only people who hate on SQL are the people who don't understand databases. Generally, these are the same people who like labels, tag clouds and ruby on rails. They produce a lot of high level hand waving with regards to the actual code and endless amounts of "herp derp I dunno" when asked why their shit performs slower than the 10 year old system it's supposed to replace. These are bad people.

Here here. Well said. If you think you can do everything without structured data you've never heard of accurate reporting before, which is what businesses need to be competitive and not waste money and all that fancy schmancy business stuff.

Comment Re:The real reason people like noSQL... (Score 1) 259

Insightful? People like noSQL because it allows them to have messy unstructured data and not do any data modelling.

We're still using SQL 20 years later because it's a great layer between your OO code and your relational data. Unless you want to use a heirachical database (which no-one does) SQL works fine. Sure you can use an ORM but at some stage you'll need to handle the conversion between relational and OO.. unless you're happy being ignorant as to how your database works and not be able to performance tune anything.

Comment Re:MySQL scales just fine. (Score 1) 222

The whole NoSQL movement is as bad as the XML movement. I'm sure it's a great idea in some cases, but otherwise it's a solution looking for a problem.

Excellent quote.

Timothy, you're asking the wrong question. "Is anyone using this system in production?" bzzzz, wrong. The correct question is "What systems are people _using_ in production?"

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 111

A few years ago I completed a massive stop motion project:

which has over 6000 shots, and used a combination of webcam shots, digital camera shots and a live action camera.

I will like to venture the opinion that the software for stop motion animation is generally terrible.

I tried out a bunch of software and almost all of them were either :

- Too expensive

- Crashed too often

- Difficult to use

- Had practically no features

- Were impossible to evaluate

For something that's such a simple thing, take a bunch of shots and join them together, the software that's out there is _terrible_. The only one that was even vaguely plausable to use was Stop Motion Pro - and even then it was expensive. The only caveat that I'd like to add is that it was about 4 years ago.

I ended up using software called MonkeyJam, which even still crashed frequently, and used Adobe's Premiere Pro to join it all together. It was a nightmare.

This article is a basic puff piece on how nice and easy everything is, in particular:

"Young kids can make a film in their room and distribute it and have half a million people view it"

what a load of rubbish. Show me a bunch of stop motion films that a bunch of kids have made in their rooms with over half a million views. Unless it's spectacular nobody is going to view it.

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