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Comment Re:Do they get a refund? (Score 5, Insightful) 110

Quite the opposite, if you file and are granted a patent for something that is later ruled invalid, there should be substantial penalties for the filer, because the purpose of a patent application is a government granted monopoly, leveraging the legal power and force of government to suppress other business. If you tell the government that you've done something novel that isn't, and prevent competition through that mechanism, there are substantial social costs (none of the benefits of invention, but all of the costs of a monopoly).

Comment Blame the OEMs this time (Score 1) 87

Whilst it's common (and often justified) to have a pop at the carriers for delaying or preventing updates to devices, it's worth pointing out that I've got access to a whole range of Android devices direct from a number of different OEMs and not a single one of them has yet received an OTA update to fix this vulnerability.

The carriers may still slow down this process, but it's already going slow enough with just the OEMs involved.

Comment Re:Civil War (Score 1) 375

Hmm. If the south had won, then yes, the two newly formed countries would have had their clocks reset.

The North won, which maintained the line of governance, so the US of A has lasted since 1776 or whenever. The CSA lasted for a few years.

Comment Re:If you need it you are doing it wrong. (Score 1) 211

Quite the edge case, as you'll agree, I'm sure. But I think we'll also agree that the effort going into this new feature, which will affect few people in any meaningful way, could probably be better put towards optimizing the base software, which would benefit many, if not all, users.

Comment Re:If you need it you are doing it wrong. (Score 1) 211

Sure, but I think the idea is that if your spreadsheet doesn't do all the calculations it needs to do more or less instantly, on any computer built within the last ten years, you're either a) horribly misusing your spreadsheet, or b) using a horribly written spreadsheet program.

It's kinda like redesigning your VW Bug to be able to back up to a full-on commercial loading dock to load groceries.

Now that said, sure, why the hell not? The GPU is just sitting there, might as well make use of it. But it's more along the lines of 'why the hell not' than 'this will make it faster!'

Comment Re:Placing my bets. (Score 1) 343

They should have left it in, and made it optional. "Family and Friends sharing is currently disabled. To enable this functionality, you and the people you share with must both enable the feature, which will involve your XBone checking in via Internet every 24 hours, or disabling your shared games until the checkin can occur."

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