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Journal Journal: I wish Slashdot had AdWords-like ads

...because I often click on people's website and sig links if their comments are interesting.

I think it would be really cool to see what the slashdotters would come up with in terms of low-budget ads.

Targeted by topic of course.

It seems weird and stupid to me that Slashdot, which lives on the comments of its members, only allows advertising for the deep-pocketed.

Journal Journal: i wish the journals allowed more HTML

i think it would be cool if /. allowed a greater range of HTML tags in the journals.

not allow *anything* mind you, not embedded movies and such, but more formatting options.

so you could do things like <span style="...">, or so you could put in ASCII art without the /. "code" filter screwing it up.

of course it would be good to have a user setting like "allow rich formatting in journals."

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