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Comment Re:Direct experience (Score 1) 4

Hey, jackass. Have you actually used Namecheap's services, or are you piping off at the mouth on things you know jack shit about? I strongly suspect the latter. You either (1) have zero clue how bad GoDaddy's offerings actually are, or how reprehensible their corporate behavior and that of their recently-former-for-PR-reasons founder and CEO's behavior tends to be, or (2) you're drawing your paycheck from Daddy Parsons.

Try Namecheap out and report back, champ. By the way, they also have a nice API you can hook into. Good luck, and have a nice day. Nice nick, btw, 1998 called and asked if they can have their leetspeak back, son.

Comment Direct experience (Score 1) 4

My employer provides managed hosting for both Linux and Windows environments. New web server deployments running Linux and either Apache or nginx easily outnumber new deployments running Windows/IIS 20 to 1. As far as I've seen at numerous companies and from recent numbers tossed around by friends at other firms, this ratio is about average.

As the article states, GoDaddy moved millions of parked pages to IIS. Given the fact that GoDaddy is a bottom-feeding operation that relies on horrendously shitty shared setups on a massive scale for the bulk of its hosting business, I'm not surprised by any particular bit of idiocy they pull these days. I've long since ceased using them for domain name registrations as well, greatly preferring Namecheap instead.

The "article" is pure garbage. Don't bother reading it.

Comment Re:I feel old (Score 1) 113

Ah, a fellow Z80 fan :). I think there's still two Sinclair ZX81s sitting in a box somewhere at my dad's house, likely with the old cassette deck as well. The one I used had a little black and white security monitor/TV hooked up to it for video, with a luxurious full size keyboard from an industrial floor spliced into it to provide relief from the horrendous membrane keyboard.

I've got to admit that I greatly preferred moving to an AT&T PC-6300 8086 box. It felt like a supercomputer by comparison, and was also the first machine I wrote any C on. Good times.

Comment I feel old (Score 4, Insightful) 113

I've got many memories of evenings spent with Windows 3.11, although I spent far more time in DOS back then. Later on, I spent a few few years with Linux (starting with Mandrake) as my primary desktop OS, and wound up with Mac OS X for the last few years.

I'll still raise a toast to over a decade of Debian or FreeBSD on the server side for anything I care about.

Comment Re: This is why encryption isn't popular (Score 1) 399

Mod parent up. I'm genuinely curious what particular brand of idiot would wake up saying "hey, since the government provides me with this awesome crypto, I'll use it for everything" instead of generating his own keys for anything personal in nature.

I mean, heck, one might almost believe that such an individual were receiving telepathic communications from Edward Snowden detailing how to link up with Julian Assange in Afghanistan or Iraq to be schooled in the manufacture of improvised explosive devices for a doctoral thesis on violence while watching television coverage of congressional hearings with Senators and the president, all while pundits drop bombs online so to speak with regard to hypothetical tactics for the handling of terrorist threats in urban areas such as Boston, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, San Diego, and other high value targets.

I know, it's all just so crazy.

Comment Re:Try Zabbix, it's free (Score 2) 58

It seems Zabbix isn't well suited for the use cases you care about. That's fine, but it should be noted that your preference for SNMP-based offerings is far from universal. I've dealt with environments where thousands of systems across several continents were constantly monitored without SNMP, and things worked very well.

You seem quite interested in forcibly proclaiming your preference for certain modes of monitoring. Are you equally prepared to discuss the security implications of those choices? Are all devices under your control operating exclusively over trusted networks and exclusively utilizing SNMPv3? If you're going to speak forcefully about these things, let's go ahead and have a frank conversation that includes different considerations and use cases.

Comment Re:Security and Business competition (Score 1) 531

Let's be perfectly clear on one point. All wars are rooted in economic objectives, regardless of any hand waving to the contrary. Analysis and debate of the ethics, morality, wisdom, etc of such conflicts are left as an exercise to the reader (along with any attempted associated bettering of society), but in the final analysis everything traces back to fundamental human nature. Humans are a beautiful species in many respects, but also a very nasty one; the global dominance of homo sapiens is backed by this nastiness.

Comment Re:Why use HTTP Compression? (Score 2) 106

I believe you missed the key phrase "where it is most effective." The first sentence of the linked article:

Amdahl's law, also known as Amdahl's argument,[1] is used to find the maximum expected improvement to an overall system when only part of the system is improved.

The reference was to the utility of compression in this case, not the mechanics of it.

Comment Re:How else do I protect my forms (Score 1) 558

Millions of people are stupid enough to buy prescription medications of highly dubious origins and formulation from spammers. Every now and again you'll see a news piece about some idiot winding up hospitalized or dead as a result. This is a fine demonstration of a level of stupidity that you simply cannot overcome.

Comment Re:There is only one way... (Score 1) 195

The smartest thing anyone can do when presented with the threat of legal action is to immediately cease all contact with the threatening party and inform his own lawyer. I've seen situations similar to the one you described work out okay for the people being threatened, but I've also seen another case where things got nasty and the accused party would have been better off getting a lawyer immediately, even though he did nothing wrong.

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