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Comment No closed OSes ever?? (Score 3, Interesting) 572

He's implying that no-one should access the web with a closed OS under any circumstance. That seems ridiculous. There are many items that may benefit from web-access that don't need full/open access. I think right now people are arguing over whether or not a phone is such an item. Personally, I don't want root access to my phone. I'm happy to give up full freedom on my phone in exchange for it NEVER failing to do what I need it to do.

Comment Re:Mac mini HTPC = perfect solution (Score 1) 502

Yeah the keyboard might be the weakest link. I don't find range to be an issue, but there is a slight latency and I get a lot more typos for some reason. It would be a pain to use for extensive coding or word-processing, but for e-mail/chat/etc it's fine.

I use an Adesso SlimTouch which has a built-in touchpad, which was the killer-feature I was looking for. Overall I'm very happy with it. It's a lot like using a laptop because I can sit-back on the couch and use it without needing a separate mouse (which requires a table/desk of some sort).

Comment Mac mini HTPC = perfect solution (Score 1) 502

I hooked up my Mac mini to my 42" flatscreen and this has basically replaced cable and a normal computer for me. I sit on my couch with my wireless keyboard and either surf the web, skype, or watch Netflix/Hulu/etc.

Interestingly everyone that comes over and sees the set-up wants it for themselves. It still takes *a little* geek savvy to install a system like this, but not for long. Once people get more exposure to this sort of thing they'll never look back.

It's much more enjoyable to watch TV-shows via Hulu/Netflix than it is once a week with long adverts, anyway.

Submission + - VirtualBox beta supports OS X as guest OS on Macs (

milesw writes: In addition to a slew of new features, VirtualBox 3.2.0 Beta 1 offers experimental support for Mac OS X guests running on Apple hardware. Got to wonder if Ellison discussed this with Jobs beforehand, given Apple's refusal to allow virtualizing their (non-server) OS.

Submission + - When to round 1

doconnor writes: We do a rather complex financial calculation involving a fair number of steps, like multiplying and dividing by various factors, choosing one value or another based on criteria. The issue has been raised about what steps along the way we should round to the nearest cent. These steps are showing in various reports with various levels of details. Should only the major input and output values be rounded, should rounding be done after each step that is shown in the reports or is it worth rounding at all?

Comment Seems pretty consistent to me (Score 0) 756

With banning cartoon-style advertising of cigarettes. How would people feel if they started giving away free MP3s with purchases of booze (or whatever 21-year-olds are into)...

I think people need to relax, they're not robbing you of any sort of personal liberty, they're just toning down advertising for products you shouldn't be consuming anyway. It's in the best interest of the whole world.

Comment Re:The reality is... (Score 1) 544

Car analogy: an old Honda can basically do everything a Ferrari can do. They essentially have all the same features. But one does it with style and feels good to use. Also, regarding your Treo. MP3 players were around for years before iPods, and we all know how that played out. Just accept it, form matters. Function isn't the only issue.

Comment Re:It is not a code! There is no crack! (Score 2, Interesting) 106

You're right - that's probably where it started! That said, codon refers to the only (that I can think of) true code in biology. The other potential codes just mentioned (DNA methylation, histone mods, etc) are really more biochemical features that interact with proteins to regulate gene expression. The triplet code (code) is basically universal. TAA means STOP to every organism on the planet from worms to fish to bacteria to man. Histone mods and DNA methylation matter, but they're much more specific to particular cells/organisms.

Comment Re:It is not a code! There is no crack! (Score 2, Informative) 106

Let me follow-up with a car analogy: Imagine you found the blueprints for a car that had a slight problem (say occasional aberrant acceleration, for example). Sequencing cancer genomes is akin to *finding* these blueprints. But it gets worse, the blueprints are in a different language and have no idea what 70% of the parts in the plans actually DO. Yes - the blueprint is helpful. Very helpful. In fact there's not much you can do without it. But it doesn't immediately help you FIX the problem. The only feature of DNA that is truly a *code* that was had to be *cracked* was the triplet code for amino acids and that was cracked by Khorana, Holley and Nirenberg in the '60s.

Comment It is not a code! There is no crack! (Score 1) 106

World: please stop calling DNA sequences "codes" that can be "cracked". There is no encryption going on here and, if you really want to use that metaphor than what they're doing is not cracking (decrypting) the code, but determining its sequence. Sequencing 4 cancer genomes is an enormous achievement that will provide countless biological insights, but nothing was "cracked". I'm a biologist, but aren't there cryptographers out there that are annoyed by this terminology???

Comment Re:Am i missing something? (Score 1) 309

It is believed that you're inocculated with your gut microbes at birth (largely from your mother) and this community shifts and stabilizes during your first year. More studies are needed on this sort of thing (and many are ongoing right now) but it is thought that the community of gut microbes you acquire can be quite robust and resist colonization by other, competing microbes. So, it's not preposterous to think that a certain population might be more likely to get colonized by a certain species of microbes than others. That said, if you lived in japan for a generation or two, or ate lots of sushi for a few generations there's no reason to think you wouldn't develop the same type of microbes in your gut.

Comment Re:Your logic is flawed. (Score 1) 467

I really wish I could disagree with you, but you're probably right on some level. To me, WinAmp peaked with v2.78. Office peaked with v2003. Photoshop and Illustrator peaked around ~CS1 or earlier. As soon as the open-source apps catch up to those feature-sets, I'm happy and can finally stop buying (pirating) the commercial versions. But you're probably right about new (younger) users and their new expectations about what hardware/software can/should do. As far as I'm personally concerned, though, as soon as OO can copy 99% of the features in Office 2003 (close, but not quite there yet) I'll never look back. And, I've got my breath held for Inkscape, etc.

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A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
