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Comment Re:Forgotten (Score 1) 295

This is all true, but I can imagine that high-current charger and battery connectors get standardized and everyone has one charger for all their devices at home and at the office. Perhaps even vending-machines that charge batteries? If it only takes 10 or 20 seconds, why not? Heck, if it only takes a few seconds, I can have a shared charger in the building, so me and my neighbours use only one.

Comment I hesitated between lie detector and compass (Score 1) 456

But I've decided that life without lies would be unbearable. You don't seem to appreciate how nicer life is when people have control of what you know about what they think of you. I'm not saying big lies. But those little, innocent white lies. What would be the value of constantly hearing how people hate what you just said, how awful they think you look today, how they don't care about you in the shop, etc. Sure, the absolute truth is that people often think badly of you. But they also think about undressing other people and having sex with them a lot. Or killing them. What makes us human is that we can CHOOSE not to act on these emotions. And we can CHOOSE to tell a white lie so our life with other people is less stressing. I wouldn't give that away.

And now, WHERE WERE I... If I only had a built-in compass :-))

Comment Re:Drupal? It's Liferay in PHP (Score 1) 192

Have you looked at Liferay's or Drupal source code? I didn't take 10 minutes to study both of them, but literally weeks. It's almost impossible, especially in Liferay, to develop anything nontrivial without going through its source code to understand how it's supposed to work - so I looked at it a lot. You can't go on without having source codes, because the documentation is fragmented and in many parts nonexistent, most forum threads are left unanswered and bugs unfixed for years. The code is not the only incomprehensible thing -- the product as a whole is.

I can develop web sites and applications much quicker in a much more enjoyable way using simpler tools that are documented well, do not get in the way and are not huge enough to become bloat blobs. I have this knowledge from experience in programming business that I've been doing for more than 15 years.

What you write and the way you write it, is the kind of attitude I've seen a lot on open source project forums. The "get to know it and/or fix it yourself or get the fuck out" mantra is OK as long as I don't pay for the enterprise license and support, you know. I'm glad to submit patches to open source projects that stay true to the idea and are worthy using. But if my patches are going to be used to sell "enterprise" version by an entity that can't get their product right -- I'm out. And I'm using different software as long as I have a choice.

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