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Comment Re:Been saying that...Wrong, Simply Wrong. (Score 1) 376

p>No CAT Scan, MRI or Cancer drugs would have been invented without patents to give the inventors time to make their years of investment back by a period of exclusivity.

Really? Most fundamental medical advances are created in academia, mostly with public money. Many companies just take the relatively small step to a commercial product. William H. Oldendorf would have done his pioneering work on the CAT scan, whether there was a patent system or not. Indeed, looking at his wikipedia biography, he worked in public institutions for most of his life.

Most of the companies are LLC partnerships developed by the faculties at the Universities who then hire business staff to help run their inventions. It's a synergy of public/private cooperation. Get it? The OP talking about MRI can however thank Particle Physics and Particle Accelerators for the reason MRI, CAT Scans, and the like along with thousands of other advances needed as building blocks to solve a big science idea, for their existence.

Comment Re:I get the impression that (Score 1) 180

You lost me at ``Most scientists are not programmers...'' schtick. Whether it was my Mechanical Engineering professors fluent in ADA, C, Fortran, C++ or Pascal or my EE professors in the same, to my Mathematics Professors all in the same, not a single CS Professor could hold a candle to them, unless we started dicking around with LISP, SmallTalk or VisualBasic for shits and giggles. In fact, they became proficient in these languages because they had to write custom software to model nonlinear-dynamic systems. Perhaps in the post 2000 era scientist group we have Matlab/Octave/R/Python lovers but the old school folks are hardcore in their knowledge of those languages.

Rarely does one find an expert in software development who is an expert in any Engineering, Physics or Mathematics field of research.

Comment Re:Oh Give Me a Break (Score 2) 376

It's a couple of Supply Side Neo-con economists who were against Stimulus and Pro-Austerity talking about economic equilibrium as if Economies are in a fixed sphere with a fixed about of water that given enough release of pressure we level out and stabilize. Their applications are absurdly shallow and small in scale, which is ironic for two macroeconomic theorists. The best news is that the overwhelming majority of global economists think they're full of crap.

Comment Re:Been saying that... (Score 3, Insightful) 376

There are industries where a severely limited patent system makes sense. Any industry that's too tightly regulated by government, so that barrier to entry is impossible, like pharma or telecom. Of course you could solve the same problem by pealing back the red tape as well. Competition in the free and open market is the only thing that truly breeds innovation. No free market, no competition. It's easy.

You live in a deluded fantasy that free market and zero regulation means honest brokers and business ventures. Grow up and get passed Friedman's fallacy along with Ayn Rand.

Comment Re:I have a better idea... (Score 2, Interesting) 649

No you don't. That's Keynesian nonsense. Corporations that are poorly managed need to go bankrupt and the burden should not be placed on the tax payers. Yes, some people will lose their jobs. That's called life, sometimes it happens. The worst thing you can do is paper over it just to make everyone happy. Another company that is better managed will move in to fill the void, they always do. Now that executives of major corporations know they can rely on Uncle Sam to bail them out for making big mistakes (and they won't even go to jail if they commit massive fraud like the banking scandals of the last decade), there is no incentive for them to not take big gambles and otherwise behave more recklessly than they would if there were actual consequences.

I stopped reading at the jab towards Keynes. Please can someone put a literal bullet into the ideas of non-Keynesian Economics already. Friedman's asinine approaches to economic theory are the very reason we keep dipping into recessions and if left unchecked, great depressions.

Comment Re:I'm sorry (Score 1) 96

As a Mechanical Engineer, the Computer is only valueable for data acquisition. All the knowledge comes from the Engineer's Brain and some test calculations he/she has made with their designs, all accessible from a calculator. Once the data acquistion systems are in place [from small to large scale] the next step is to write some routines whether in Matlab, Octave, or whatnot as a means of taking the data stored from the database or spreadsheet and then used to run large matrix computations over hundreds to millions of data points, depending upon the accuracy and closed system you are testing. The OP who discussed brain rot is correct.

Comment Re:The sad fact of life is ... (Score 4, Interesting) 330

... that 50 years from now the media will have deified Jobs and next generations will believe he was a much much larger than life superhero who bootstrapped the entire computer industry and singlehandedly created new innovative products and touched so many people on a deep and personal level through his enduring work. And the real heros, Woz and the hundreds of Apple engineers and designers, will remain a footnote in some obscure appendix in a seldom read computer book, if that.

Makes me sick, this cult of the Jobs personality and posthumous canonization of a glorified $20-profit salesman.

The only people complaining of any fame are fans of Woz. Follow Wozniak's track record once the Macintosh [which he had nothing to do with] arrived. He completed a double B.S., got married, and did nothing but small, mindless little startups while getting paid today $120k a year [honorarily by Apple] for simply being alive. The real talent at Apple are the guys who Steve cultivated and who demanded he create NeXT when the board ousted him. I worked around them at NeXT. They dwarf Wozniak in knowledge, skills and capabilities to create great products. That same zeal was brought back to Apple. Wozniak had decades to extend his respect technologically by actually pioneering research in design of CPUs, GPUs, etc. He doesn't know it. He never did. Technology blew past Steve Wozniak and he decided to play Steve Jobs as a CEO and failed miserably every single time. The guy holds 4 patents in his entire engineering career, while being given Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory of resources to create. He isn't that genius. He's a celebrity who will always be the fat kid who Steve Jobs pulled out of his shell [Wozniak is quite clear on this point] and made him wealthy.

Comment India joins the US (Score 2, Interesting) 160

It isn't a coincidence that India agrees with the US on building out by using local talent. Europe will follow suit in each nation state, and South America will do the same. China's stranglehold on cheap materials/labor is no longer the driving factor in manufacturing. The top manufacturers in China are working on investing in foreign lands to avoid losing their present contracts. Over time, they'll lose them. It's an economic/intelligence/political trifecta approach to breaking China's dominance on flooding world markets and thus driving down competiting economies. In short, US, Euro and other nation states corporations realize that game is up. They know the import/export tariff imbalance days are over.

Comment Re:Bad approach. (Score 2) 354

there is nothing in the brain you can point to and call it a memory.

Hogwash! The weightings you talked about are the memories. They may not be easily recognized as a coherent memory (or part of) by a casual observer, but that's not the same as not being a "memory". You are confusing observer recognition with existence. Confusion does not end existence (except for stunt-drivers :-)

As far as whether following the brain's exact model is the only road to AI, well it's too early to say. We tried to get flight by building wings that flap to mirror nature, but eventually found other ways (propellers and jets).

I'd vote you up if I had points left. The OP is missing on so many areas. I started laughing with the fMRI not discovering free will bit.

Comment Re:I don't get it... (Score 2) 99

They have mirrors on the moon, that we routinely bounce lasers off of to measure distances and do Relativity experiments with. It's suddenly difficult to transmit information via laser? Why so slow? Why was this an accomplishment?

To demonstrate a line of sight transmission, from any possible point of orbit? Think about it. They are developing towards a true subspace solution.

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