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Comment Re:It's simple (Score 1) 452

And more importantly, I think, even the best court systems we have do and will convict innocent people. This is unavoidable. We just have to make sure we minimise the innocent conviction rate as much as possible.

GP : On the other hand, if you really are guilty, and you testify that you didn't do it, but evidence comes out that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you did it (caught on high-quality tape, for example), then you should be charged with perjury as well as with the original crime, shouldn't you?

No, no, and all kinds of no. People can be wrong and convinced they are right. There have been numerous rape cases for example, where victims have sworn blind that the accused was the person who raped them. Later DNA evidence cleared the accused, and they convicted someone else. Do you think the rape victim should be charged with perjury?

Criminals often rationalise their actions to such an extent they believe they were the victim, and are often pretty confused, and often have poor legal advice - in none of these cases have they perjured themselves necessarily. Perjury is a pretty well defined crime for a reason.

Comment Re:Not correct (Score 1) 286

Black's Law Dictionary may be more relevant than OED:

Libel: Defamatory statement published through any manner or media. If intended to simply bring contempt, disrespect, hatred, or ridicule to a person or entity it is likely a civil breach of law. However, if it causes mayhem or breach of peace, it can be a criminal breach of law. Yet, again, if the statement is newsworthy, even if defamatory, proof of benefit to the public is required to avoid criminal complaint.

Comment Re:why should apple steal someone's work? (Score 2) 180

i'm so tired of all the vitriol spewed at apple for "stealing other people's work". they've innovated the hell out of the tech industry and you should be grateful you morons. just having an item or a concept isn't useful until it's affordable and easy enough for lots of people to use it without hassle.

There's a few problems. Foremost is that you are addressing people who are angry at attempts to change computers for the benefit of the average slob. If they were happy flipping switches on a panel (or pecking away at a keyboard illuminated by the green glow of their text terminal) then everyone should be. They want to 'keep it real'.

There are also sour grapes, some NIH, etc.

My favorite from 'them' is "Apple is just a marketing company" accompanied with "anyone could do what they do". Somehow they never are able to explain if it's "so easy" and obvious why did it take until Apple did it for someone to do it? When I pose that question, comments regarding my sexual prefence, my mother's sexual proclivity, and the possibility that my religious affiliation involves a certain fruit based organization are raised.

Comment Re:My give-a-darn meter is reading negative GADs (Score 2) 180

Maps? Google wasn't permitted to improve or do squat with the iOS map app until Apple kicked them off as a standard app. When Apple's maps came out, bad as they were, all of a sudden Google's map app came back improved and updated, with features that were only released on Android because they were now free of Apple's restrictions on what features they were permitted to implement on the IOS version of the app.

There, fixed that for you.

Google wanted to put turn by turn navigation in. Apple stopped them because they didn't want Google advertising on it.

Ahem, fixed that for you.

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