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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 2 declined, 1 accepted (3 total, 33.33% accepted)


Submission + - bought by CBS

Tabernaque86 writes: The BBC has an article up over the recent purchase of internet radio site by US media giant CBS. ( ). The purchase of the on-line social network has set a record for the largest ever UK web 2.0 acquisition, at $280 million USD.

What's interesting that the article fails to address why CBS is purchasing now, considering the Royalty Board is increasing internet radio fees to an exhorbitant amount, which is more-or-less causing internet radio to shut down by then end of next month.

Submission + - Conversation between two chat-bots

Tabernaque86 writes: efore-i-am/article_print Apparently programmers left two chat-bots alone in a room. The only intervention was programming a bot to start a conversation with a question, the rest was up to the bots. There is a brief description in the article, followed by a handful of conversations between the two bots, ALICE and jabberwocky.

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