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Comment May be a poor reason, but a good result (Score 1) 1003

I think we're at the point we can agree that DIALING a cell phone or looking at a phone screen is dangerous. We've all had near misses ( or worse ). I think the NTSB is overreaching on an outright ban, but I like the direction it's taking. Talking on a phone is no worse than talking to someone in the passenger seat. Using voice activated dialing systems in a car seems like a reasonable line to me.

Comment PM IS *NOT* CODING (Score 1) 152

Your job (should be) to define requirements, manage the roadmap, talk to customers/prospects and prep the product marketing and sales functions. Coding is not part of your job. If you want it to be, then you need to re-think your career path. Not to say being a coder is bad, it's just that you cannot be both and be successful at it. Choose wisely.

Comment You have a life? Or you think you do.... (Score 1) 913

.....reading Slashdot and having a life is generally mutually exclusive! That said, studying "other things" is a good idea to provide context and balance to your life (i.e. have a life ). To paraphrase, all programming and no other interests makes Jack a dull boy. At the very least, the "other things" can be inspirational and help look at your programming problems in other ways. Consider taking some management, marketing or communications courses so you can understand the business life going on around you at whatever company you join.

Comment You waited too long.... (Score 1) 349

...startups are all about getting traction at minimal cost. The time to ask for equity is when the company has no money and want to save it wherever possible. Taking less money back then for some (very) small equity is something all startups would consider. When they're making money, or can see the light, it's all over for you.

Comment For non-Canadians, let me explain that Rogers..... (Score 3, Informative) 252

...are a bunch of dicks in everything they do. They've never thought of a fee that is too insulting for their customers. They wrote the book on poor service. They only exist because the government provides protection to a corporation that provides too many political contributions.

Comment What an asshat. Make money, not controversy. (Score 1) 758

This CEO has chosen an unfortunate way to be an attention whore. .NET may not be his cup of tea, but to say the experience is a liability is plain stupid. I'd suggest he spend more time generating some positive attention instead of making customers think Expensify is run by a moron.

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