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Comment Weaker Analogy than You Intended (Score 0) 308

All any of those programmes do is help the mind make physical what is already mental. There are lots of applications (think Fink) that can be put on an iPad and, by the very basis of GPL, protect the users right to distribution and ownership, providing they don't incorporate work protected under the type of scheme GPL uses. Yet, despite use Xorg on an iPad, the license still says that work is Apple's, despite the fact they don't own most of the processing hardware's IP.

See, neither analogy is correct. There's a reason Jobs didn't want to DRM the crap out of everything for distribution, but we have gone a long way since Apple tried to tempt the Open Source Movement with somewhat more liberal licensing to what it has become in the past four or five years.

Try it this way, every Nokia F4xxx camera gives Nokia a partial share of the copyright of any image created with it, regardless of post-production processes involved. Hardware Nokia doesn't own exclusively, software Nokia provides and a functioning platform not created by Nokia that could be ported to run on the camera. Would you think that it's fair that Nokia declare ownership of your work? If you put an image on your free blog from your camera while on your vacation, that blog company may receive a cease and desist order from Nokia because of the advertising which pays to keep it free in the first place can be counted as gross profits. Would they? Probably not, but it doesn't mean that, similar to the history of the RIAA and MPAA suing kids for millions of dollars, Nokia, or a group representing like minded interests, wouldn't start nailing out some test cases to guarantee their right to do so in the future.

I wouldn't buy such a camera with such a condition attached to it, but fans of that line probably wouldn't think twice about it. On the other hand, a following AnonCow may have pinpointed a far greater danger to Apple than displeasing some, MAYBE, 14% of fans: They officially have ownership to all illegal activities so involved. Of course, they can claim the activity is a breach of contract with the EULA, but if multiple breaches are caught, it may go in the direction of selling bongs as tobacco accessories: Enough incidence of its criminal use may result in singling it out legislatively. Of course, unlike stoners, Apple is part of a few lobbying firms who might get legislation written to protect it instead. Because money makes everything fair in a Democracy whose politicians are otherwise incorporated into the Free Market, regardless of being in a mixed economy since the first post-Articles presidential administration.

Anyone still Occupying shit out there? I dunno, it's not on the television anymore. It's probably not that important.

Comment Wrong, I Was (Score 1) 649

So, hmm, during that Sony business of dropping support for...oh, who can remember...I had said that Anonymous wouldn't be stupid enough to do something that would, by standing definition at the Department for Homeland Security, perform any action which would explicitly be deemed well within the scope of terrorism -- due in part to the fact that even the Mexican drug cartels are able to hunt down and attack its members.

I don't often say this (and there's a decade and one half on Slashdot to prove it), but...I...was...not as right as I felt I should have been. Wow. That taught me a lesson. Never under-estimate stupidity among highly active protestors. That hurt. I will remember this in the future.

Comment Re:Yesterday's frauds... (Score 1) 556

A black hole exists in every known galaxy

Fortunately there weren't any scams 20 years ago.

What? Don't you remember those early 90's Personal Black Hole scams? The convenience of not having to worry about wandering garbage scows and peeling labels off of recycling? All you have to do is throw your crap, including recyclables, non-recyclables, annoying relatives and pets, and even your crap, into this one convenient box, bag, jar, can or hookah, and you will never have to worry about disposal bills of any type ever again!

I got one from the back of a catalog that I was going to take to school as my science fair project, but it really was just some deletium that ran out after about 10 kg. It consumed the bottom of the container, so the last 2 kg was a hole in the school parking lot. My parents weren't charged for the fill in since they had to pay for treatment of the radiation burns.

To this day, I never order anything from UserFriendly.

Comment You skipped "Join a ThinkTank" (Score 1) 347

Everyone else is fairly well aware of the scientific method and peer review.

However, we have known for a few years that the Earth's orbit has been rounding out, which is when it gets colder. This was among many points covered on slashdot along with solar output and geological methane release that demonstrated that the Earth's climatic shift has been primarily due to CO2 levels. If CO2 levels had not gone significantly beyond their 1700 levels, we would be experiencing the starting signs of cooling over the next 200 years.

Comment Liability is Always Important (Score 1) 311

Smaller entities often cannot afford significant liability coverage, but schools are very lawsuit aware. Lawsuits, when they happen, can be expensive to the loser, thus, having an insurance for them is EXTREMELY convenient, as, in all probability, an attempt, regardless of the legitimacy of a claim, will likely happen.

Extending liability for pursuit of stolen or damaged property is relatively common and affordable. Insurers would fit your latter model. Again, once any identification of liability due to a poorly implemented tech infrastructure, it would likely result in many other schools reviewing their own systems and policies.

Self-insuring has limitations and can be crippling under potentially damaging litigation. To insure a DUI'd driver to the commercial coverage range is very feasible; however, most companies that aren't assessed above $25million could find even settling a major law suit sufficiently damage to have lasting consequences on growth projections, asset recuperation and debt coverage.

As far a school districts go, they have liability coverage. It's a requirement in most states to possess some form commercial general liability insurance policies ("CGL Policies"); however, if that is all they chose to purchase, that falls under the risk assessment risk I mentioned earlier.

Comment Oil Cap (Score 1) 891

In the United States, gasoline sells for $3 to $4 per gallon. In other countries, it's 3-4x that. Some people might think it's because the United States is the third largest producer, creating about half of what it consumes. The reality, however, compares to other countries differently in two key aspects, resource policy and trade.

In other countries which export petroleum, there is a major return on export product back to the country; in the United States, the sites from which companies extract petroleum are leased on negotiated, low flat rates; so, very little of that potential income is already shut down.

The other half of the problem came with negotiations that began under the Carter Administration, but finalized under the Reagan Administration. The first half of which is an Oil Cap -- the amount of exports that are proportionally discounted to make up for the trade loss in the need to import a significant percentage of oil. This cap is maintained by manipulating production, primarily in agriculture, to support major policy and trade changes that result in subsidies or limitation on domestic marketing of such goods. The second half is using trade far more extensively by defining all types of trade as economic, implementing policies that require counties that allow, for example, education or work abroad, to invest in the United States by way of purchasing some quantity of Treasury bonds, usually negotiated, though quota openings are often done by a slow bidding process. (NB: This accounts for a good portion of the 25% of foreign owed debt, or about 3.5 trillion USD)

When politician push a gas-tax holiday, they often ignore that the United States has been on one since the 70's. The politician have chosen to ignore that the United States government has been aware of the need of significant infrastructural changes in order to adapt to the real cost of energy since the late 60's. The greatest threat to both the United States and the world is this failing to adapt to the long term energy needs of the country. If a major program took over the United States to end petroleum imports alone, it would save nearly half of one trillion dollars every year. If a major program took over the United States to end petroleum imports alone, I sense politicians, like claiming the budget repair of the 90's was surplus, would likely not end the Oil Cap as a practice, merely change its focus.

Comment It's not a Joke (Score 1) 311

People use and adhere to such arguments on a regular basis. Most coverage of liability insurance will ask for a third party assessment of the IT infrastructure before they will cover it. Such an assessment should be performed, regardless of any type of faith that administration might have in IT personnel. If you need an expert at something new that you do not understand, you need a means of assessing their capability. Third party auditing companies fill this void for everything from finance to IT.

Schools will still fail. Most potential failures will catch on quickly to prevent a dangerous ripple effect, as those covering their liabilities, from insurers to taxpayers, will demand evidence that the worst case scenario isn't likely to hit them.

Comment Very Expensive Weed (Score 1) 311

The administration decides the acceptable risk-strategy for a facility's liability insurance coverage. Usually when purchasing modern general-functionality class of device, such facilities use software and hardware relocation technology built into the device, making it dangerous for, "Some shady guys downtown," unless they have obtained the means of disrupting such technology. If such individuals manages a fairly significant share of such trade, then, like other black market activities, identification, arrest and confirmation will likely be on the way.

After prosecution, of ither your stoners or the shady guys, the offending party pays all such costs. If found innocent with questionable liability still lingering, civic prosecution often commences with the same end result. After that, only the liability insurance co-pay equivalent would be the remaining costs.

Optical and electric wiring, varying types of paper, presses and printers, desks, chairs, books, tiles, plants and even lockers have been stolen from schools with similar results. Again, what already exists can define what will like come next. There are few new significant risks from year to year and model to model. Your logic doesn't actually add to the conversation.

Comment Poor Managment Can Affect Any Resource (Score 1) 311

If the school's IT Manager can't practice isolation, resistance and resilience, that is not a fault of the overall concept. As Shotgun points out, any infrastructure not properly managed will eventually be costly, but loading an image takes very little time, and, once a network has been properly secured, it can be done in bulk. The procedure you describe would fail to be comparable simply by the difference in resource or rate of restoration, relative to data volume and locations.

If you're going on slashdot, you might want to be more considerate about assuming incompetent network management would be an acceptable argument to implementing almost any class of technology augmentation. IT in a school is banal compared to a robot doing your yearly physical; if you want to attack a risk, put freedom or lives (other than Eric Cartmen being thrown under a bus) on the line.

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