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Comment Re:And we should attack the FSF... (Score 2, Interesting) 926

Two years later while I was reinstalling his nonoperational Vista (for the third time)

I've given up supporting Windows in my family. I flatly refuse. I've found a more effective use of my time is to burn CDs and DVDs for family visits.

When my wife's vista laptop died, she thought she'd get a free ride and I would fix it for her. I threw a fedora disk at her and said when thats installed, I'll help, until then I don't care. 7 months now, and the most I've been involved is helping with wireless and initially configuring her e-mail aside from some initial "best practices". Since then, she has learned how to help herself has become quite independent, which makes my home life much more enjoyable with less "fixing".

The kids PC is an old Gateway, running CentOS, and I rarely have to help the 3 (he's a webkinz fan), 6, and 9 year olds with it. It just runs, and allows them to play and discover, as opposed to update and frustrate.

Comment Re:Actual crime (Score 4, Insightful) 189

First, switch CISSP with DBA.

Lets not forget...
  1. 1. The network he was unable to attend to (because of being jailed inappropriately) ran FINE in his absence. He has skills, and previous descriptions indicate this is not a simple network.
  2. 2. He stuck to his beliefs. I think this is a good quality, especially considering it cost him his freedom for a period of time.
  3. 3. In spite of the negative connotations of imprisonment, I'm sure there is educational value from his situation.
  4. 4. In my personal opinion, from whats been published, management screwed the pooch on this one, he did the right thing, in several situations.

I would hire him.

Comment Re:They were right.... (Score 1) 176

MS optical mouse

I prefer the Razer Lachesis or Diamondback for gaming and work. The Lachesis is is 3G 4000dpi and high precision, minimal movement type and the Diamondback is a 2000dpi which basically translates to a really fast mouse with more traditional travel ranges. They both work with Linux, although the actual drivers/profiles needed to be setup on a windows system first. In the case of the Lach, it stores 5 profiles on the mouse itself.

Comment Re:Ernie Ball (Score 4, Insightful) 371

In spite of the pissing match about Ernie's original intentions, free vs OSS, etc... I see upside to retelling this story. Namely, he claims he is running an efficient (apps you NEED, not what comes bundled), high uptime (no MS virus du jour or upgrade parade), and economical (no brand new hardware) business without MS-Windows, MS-Office, MS-Exchange.

FFS. It runs linux successfully.

Comment Re:Bad news. XD (Score 3, Informative) 505

There is not much. This excerpt, In general terms, in the U.S., whoever can be troubled to key in the data, is deemed to own the right to store and use it, even if the data were collected without permission, is particularly disturbing.

Data may only be used for the specific purposes for which it was collected.

While you may THINK the data was collected for either a sale, long term lease agreements (similar to cable service), or whatnot... the ACTUAL specific purpose was to track you and sell your information to "partners".

Data must not be disclosed to other parties without the consent of the individual whom it is about

This is where the "partners" come in ... See JCpenny and SBS for an example of 1 company using your information and giving it to a partner company.

Personal information may be kept for no longer than is necessary and must be kept up to date.

Too bad its not supposed to be deleted if it can't be confirmed in given period of time. Also, SSNs don't expire, so you get off thier list if you die. Yay.

Comment Re:Too bad, niggers (Score 1) 232

That would be me. I always mod trolls up.

I cruise at -1. Those that don't would never see the humor in some of this stuff if people didn't mod them up. Personally, I find some the humor absolutely hilarious but too many people will reach for the troll mod before the funny mod.

Comment Re:Well, obviously... (Score 1) 232

They're pretty much the only major financial institution to make it through this crisis without falling for the scams and without needing government money. In fact, they were forced to take it by the government so that people wouldn't single out companies receiving bailout money as being failures

There is an-oth-eerrrrrrr.

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