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Comment Re:Massive sense of entitlement & missing pers (Score 3, Insightful) 301

When you're trying to force your way as a supplier into an industry where supply already vastly exceeds demand, you should expect that to happen.

As a poster above indicated, if you could wipe all contemporary professional musicians and their music off the face of the earth, we'd still have more new music tomorrow. People make music because they love to make music, and that will always be the case. You actually don't have to have paid professionals to supply it. Much of the stuff produced by the paid professionals isn't even that good, and gets surpassed in quality by no-name indie bands a thousand times every week.

Comment Re:Reward the artist (Score 2) 301

This, exactly. This is precisely what pisses me off about the entertainment industry in general. The vast majority of entertainment "artists" who are primarily in it for money seem to think they are entitled to get paid just because they're entertainment artists, and that they should get a free pass on reality.

Comment Re:Biased thinking (Score 1) 814

And if someone at the school had a gun, no one there would have gotten hurt at all. In fact, if the assailant had known about such a gun he may not have attacked at all. We can play the "if" game all day.

Fact is, lots of mass murders happen without firearms being involved.

Such as this one, where the assailants were armed only with box-cutters.

Or this one, which was actually linked in my previous link and you chose to ignore.

And here's another.

And here's one with a kitchen knife.

Now go fuck off, troll.

Comment Re:Smart guns... (Score 1) 814

I think it's fair to say the problem is the mix of dangerous people and guns.

Wrong. The problem has never been guns, to any extent. Bad people have been killing good people since the dawn of the human race.

I can tell you in 5 seconds what my plan is for removing guns from the equation. Banning them all, preventing their manufacture, and sending anyone carrying one to jail before they even get the chance to fire it at innocent people.

Fortunately no one on earth has the capability to do something that fucking stupid.

Comment Even now (Score 5, Interesting) 364

I'd still pay HBO a reasonable amount of money to watch their shows online. But I can't. First, I have to buy cable TV ($60/mo), then I also have to buy a special package that includes HBO ($30/mo), and then I still have to pay extra for HBOGO. So over $100/mo to watch a couple good shows. Yeah, I'll just keep using torrents. Even though it's still a huge ripoff compared to other services like Netflix and Hulu, I'd pay $10-15 per month just for HBO online. Let me know when you're serious about wanting my money, HBO.

Comment Re:Biased thinking (Score 1) 814

You know what, how about a few more.

Mentally handicapped individual still figured out how to kill with a screwdriver.

Or how about a doctor who killed babies with scissors?

Or how about this guy who killd another man with a basebal bat. Too bad the 62-year-old didn't have a gun to aid him when he was trying to defend the woman.

And then of course there's this guy, who killed with his bare hands.

So if we really want to be safe, we need to add to the list of dangerous weapons to be banned:

- Knives
- Screwdrivers
- Scissors
- Baseball bats
- Bare hands

This list could go on for pages.

Comment Re:Smart guns... (Score 1) 814

Kind of, but not exactly. With so many points of failure that already exist with firearms, why would you want to add more completely unnecessary ones? Also, forgetting the ammo is a user error, which you can control. Malfunctioning electronics is not.

A gun expert can generally field-strip his firearm to inspect parts and test it, and be reasonably certain that nothing is malfunctioning and that it will operate when needed. When you throw electronics in the mix, achieving that is now far more time-consuming and complex, and completely outside the skillset of most gun users.

Comment Re:Smart guns... (Score 1) 814

If there were a lot fewer guns to steal or sell into the black market

And if Superman really existed, we wouldn't have to worry about criminals. Which is just as likely as your "if" at this point. Perhaps if you quit making wildly impossible assumptions you might be able to understand reality.

Comment Re:Smart guns... (Score 1) 814

Would you rather face a belligerent person person carrying a gun or one carrying a knife, all else being equal?

Would you rather face a belligerent person with a gun of your own, or without? Because frankly, all else is never equal. That false assumption is what all the anti-gun paranoids base their arguments on.

Before guns came around, if you were physically weak or infirm you had virtually no chance to defend yourself. Sure, guns give bad people more options, but they do far, far more to equalize the other side of the equation.

Anyone who says different is either lying or delusional.

Comment Re:Start Button in 8.1 is useless. (Score 1) 543

Yes. All your programs are in the All Apps window... if you want to replicate the tree style menu, just pin the All Programs folder to the desktop. Control panel is accessible by right clicking the start button. Computer and various shortcuts are pre-pinned on the task bar.

No, that's not exactly like Windows 7.

Now quit spouting lies and bullshit.

Comment Re:Start Button in 8.1 is useless. (Score 1) 543

Yes, we've all seen you throw out your opinion as fact in many posts. It's still only your opinion, and not the most well-founded one on this issue. And most people disagree.

Whatever shortcomings of the start menu they tried to address, they not only failed at, they changed things for the worse.

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