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Comment How Ron Paul Can Still Win (Score 5, Interesting) 745

It turns out that the Republican National Committee has inadvertently disqualified Mitt Romney -- either that or they open themselves to a class action law suit which would require them to cough up tens of millions of dollars to Ron Paul supporters.

On 4/25/2012 the RNC made this statement:

"Governor Romney's strong performance and delegate count at this stage of the primary process has made him our party's presumptive nominee," Mr. Priebus said. "In order to maximize our efforts I have directed my staff at the R.N.C. to open lines of communication with the Romney campaign."
"It's my intention to have a seamless and complete merger between the presumptive nominee and the Republican National Committee," Mr. Priebus said. "That means political, communications, fund-raising, research and the chairman's office, along with the governor's main operational team, are completely merged."

The RNC's rule number 11 ( which can be found on page 13 here ) States:

"(a) The Republican National Committee shall not, without the prior written and filed approval of all members of the Republican National Committee from the state involved, contribute money or in-kind aid to any candidate for any public or party office except the nominee of the Republican Party or a candidate who is unopposed in the Republican primary after the filing
deadline for that office."

(b) ... No person nominated in violation of this rule shall be recognized by the Republican National Committee as the nominee of the Republican Party from that state."

That the Republican Party is a "private" organization with its own rules doesn't permit it to defraud the public -- not even if that public is its own members. People have joined the Republican Party and made monetary donations on the reasonable presumption that the RNC would follow its own rules IT HAS ADVERTISED TO THE PUBLIC. The damages are actual and the fraud deliberate. Triple damages are due to all who have contributed to Republican candidates for President and the RNC is liable.

Comment How Asian immigrants get preferential treatment (Score 1) 171

How Asian immigrants get preferential treatment when starting a business
Partaking or Taking Over
by Stephanie Galonska

I’ve known about the Asian ownership of our gas stations, hotels and dunkin’ donuts for quite some time but I had no idea just how prevalent the ‘Asian ownership’ was until I drove from Des Moines, Iowa to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania some few years ago.

The Mississippi River had flooded again so I had to take a long detour around I-80 and it was there where I saw it. Imagine my surprise when I walked into an Antique store to ask for directions and saw, to my great dismay, an Indian from India. Now these weren’t Antiques from India, they were American and European Antiques. Needless to say, I didn’t ask for any directions. The next Town I stopped in only had one gas station and guess what? It was owned by a Chinese person.

Throughout my trip, a pattern was emerging. Everywhere I stopped, no matter how small the Town, an Asian could be found owning something. How did this come to be?

Well, we all know it came slow and long ago but as far as I’m concerned, it came mostly in 1990 when our “Leaders” enacted IMMACT which gives us this: “under the new provisions; increases in the proportion of immigrants coming from Asia, with a corresponding decrease in the numbers from northern and western Europe” [1] All one needs to do is look around to see that that’s true.

Add that to all the Government and Business Sponsored Minority Privilege and what do ya get? According to BUSINESS.COM, you get “over 50 percent of all U.S. minority-owned businesses with sales exceeding $1 million are owned by Asian-Americans.” [2]

How did that fifty percent Asian ownership happen in what seems to be, so quickly? Once again, according to BUSINESS.COM, Bank of America and its special program called the “Minority and Women Prequalification Program” [2] helps them but they’re far from the only ones.

BUSINESS.COM goes on to mention how Asians can “meet prospective customers in person at one of the regional procurement events sponsored by The US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce (USPAACC).” [2]

Now who supports USPAACC? According to them, just about everybody. One Government Department they mention is The Social Security Administration [3] and I wonder, do they mean this: “Greta is the admissions coordinator in a federally-subsidized senior citizens housing facility in the San Francisco Bay area. She remarks that, when one of her tenants, an immigrant from Taiwan whom we will call Wen, told her that he had just passed his citizenship test, “I was

congratulating and welcoming him, but he laughed and said, ‘Now they can’t take my [welfare] money away.’” [4]

I find it worthy to remind us all that in that quote are two significant points of interest and they are “federally-subsidized” and “[welfare]“. Immigrants were supposed to support their own elderly immigrant family members when they brought them here but no, once again, our “leaders” changed that Law for them too.

Back to the USPAACC. Who pays for them? We all do. Aside from the numerous government agencies they name, they have plenty of corporate sponsors too. Lockheed Martin, Frito Lays, Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, Verizon, it just goes on and on. It’s one thing for Businesses to give to the Community but it’s discrimination to set aside business opportunities and/or funding for minorities because they’re “minorities”. Minorities have done nothing for America except be non-white and/or female and that’s just not a contribution worthy of any “recognition” or the “Supplier Diversity Program” these companies have set up for them.

What’s a Supplier Diversity Program? That is a program created by yet another minority group called “The National Minority Supplier Development Council” who created “The Business Consortium Fund, Inc. (BCF) which “provides contract financing to NMSDC certified minority businesses across America through a network of local participating banks and NMSDC affiliates.” And who funds the BCF? According to them, it comes from “several sources including corporations, state governments and foundations.” [5]

The Supplier Diversity Program is a program that is used by businesses in which they purchase goods and services from minority owned businesses. Minorities get help from government and businesses because they’re “minorities” and then they get business from businesses because they’re “minorities”.

The Privilege for Non-Whites shall not end as is proven with this gem from allBusiness: “The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is the only federal agency created specifically to foster the establishment and growth of minority-owned businesses. MBDA provides funding for a network of Minority Business Development Centers (MBDCs), Native American Business Development Centers (NABDCs), and Business Resource Centers (BRCs) located throughout the country. The centers provide minority entrepreneurs with personalized assistance in writing business plans, marketing, management and technical assistance, and financial planning to secure adequate financing for business ventures.” [6]

The MBDA’s Organizational Chart begins with the “Office of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders” [7] Aside from Affirmative Action, this is the most blatant form of discrimination I can name.

This Federally Funded Department promotes non-whites and only non-whites. Does this sound fair to you? “Federal” means you’re payin’ for it and worse, this Program assumes minorities need Help so, not only are they eligible for various Welfare Programs because they’re “poor” but also, they get extra help because they’re “minorities”. Huh? Confusing, I know. It’s a Double Dip and when they play it right, a Triple Dip and for all nothing but for our American Gullibility.

Did I mention how there are NO Privileges for White Men just for being White Men?

To carry on, aside from the MBDA, minorities also have the SBA and its various programs like the 8(a) Business Development in which the SBA boasts that “Under the Small Business Act, certain individuals are presumed socially disadvantaged: African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Native Americans (American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, or Native Hawaiians), and Subcontinent Asian Americans. An individual who is not a member of one of the groups listed can be admitted to the program if he/she shows – through a “preponderance of the evidence” – that he/she is socially disadvantaged. For instance, an individual may show social disadvantage due to race, ethnic origin, gender, physical handicap, long-term residence in an environment isolated from the mainstream of American society; or other similar causes.” [8]

The most disturbing thing about this is how it is “presumed” that non-whites are all automatically “socially disadvantaged” but if you don’t fall into any one of those non-white groups, you must prove, through a “preponderance of the evidence”, that you are “socially disadvantaged”. I have no proof but this sounds like a program specifically designed for their favored non-whites.

The Small Business Administration gets $978,000,000.00 for FY2012. “The bill contains $978 million for the Small Business Administration (SBA) – $249 million more than last year’s level and $7 million below the request. Small business loans – which have seen marked increase in demand and higher subsidy costs due to the current economic situation – receive an increase of $128 million.” [9]

How much of that money goes to minority only programs? I don’t know but when I look around, it seems to me like they’re getting quite a good bit of it and from everywhere else too.

According to Reuters, “SAN FRANCISCO–(Business Wire)–In celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Wells Fargo Asian Business Services announced today it has reached its 10-year goal to lend $3 billion to Asian business owners nationwide — three years ahead of schedule. The goal was established at the program`s inception in 2002. The company also announced they have expanded the goal to $5 billion by the end of 2013.” [10]

I looked but I couldn’t find any special Divisions for White Men at Wells Fargo like they do for the Asians with their “Asian Business Owners” page and I couldn’t find any five billion dollar set-aside for loans that only White Men can apply for like they did for the Asians neither.

Banks aren’t supposed to be setting aside money to loan to a specific group of people. They’re supposed to be concerned about one’s ability to pay it back and that’s it. And to add insult to injury, these same people, these companies, bankers and our government just love to tell us how smart and capable these people are but if that’s true then why do they need so much special help?

If you’re not concerned by now, perhaps this, coming from the Office of Refugee Resettlement will concern you: “Microenterprise Development Program assists refugees to become financially independent by helping them develop capital resources and business expertise to start, expands, or strengthens their own business. The program provides training and technical assistance in business plan development, management, bookkeeping, and marketing to equip refugees with the skills they need to become successful entrepreneurs. In FY 2011, there are 18 grantees in 15 states that receive grants totaling $4.0 million.” “The targeted refugee population for these programs may include refugees who receive public assistance or subsidies, and/or who lack the financial resources, credit history, or personal assets to qualify for business loans or assistance through commercial institutions. Refugees who are not yet citizens may participate in the Microenterprise Development Program regardless of their date of arrival in the U.S.” [11]

They get to live off Welfare because they’re ‘poor refugees’ and then because they’re “minorities”, they get Minority Business Loans and Minority Grants too and they don’t even have to be Citizens. Isn’t that nice? Don’t recall if I mentioned or not, but I’m still lookin’ for those special government and business set-asides for White Men

Aside from all the government and corporate business funding they get, the Asians also have their own private groups that work very hard to make sure their own people are getting everything out of America they possibly can. The following is from USINPAC (United States and India PAC):

15% – percentage of Silicon Valley start-up firms owned by Indian-Americans 59.9% of Indian-Americans work in top managerial positions Average yearly income of an Indian worker is $51,904 More than 300,000 Indian-Americans work in the Information Technology sector $69,470 – the median income of Indian-American families, nearly double the median income of all American families — $38,885 Nearly 10% of the physicians in the US are of Indian origin Indian-Americans also have a huge marked presence in the national and local political arena. At least 12 candidates won various elections in 2010 Of the total non-farm business owned by

the Asians, the Indians own close to 1/5 of the business in America and have earned over $150 billion in revenue Indian-Americans owned 19.9% of the total Asian firms with a value of $152.5 billion and a recorded growth of 38.2 % in 2007 Over 50% of the H1-B and L visas are issued in India Over 900,000 Hotel rooms – Asian-Americans currently own 50 percent of the economy lodging sector and 37 percent of all hotels (Source: Asian American Hotel Owners Association). [12]

The above are only a few mentions of their “accomplishments”. Make no mistake about the Indians, they have every intention of taking over single last piece of America they can.

There is something to be learned from these Third World Indians though. They have no shame in seeking power and control for themselves. White People used to do that and we need to learn how to do it again before it truly is too late. If we don’t pull it together, the Asians are all too happy to take it from us.

The Committee of 100 is a group of Chinese people whose goal is “To encourage constructive relations between the peoples of the United States and Greater China. To promote the full participation of Chinese Americans in all fields of American life.” This is from Committee of 100. [13]

And the Koreans “Nurture the sense of pride and confidence in Korean cultural heritage and tradition.” From the Korean-American Scholarship Foundation. [14]

See what I mean? It’s an all out ‘in your face, dare to ya do something about it’ take-over of our Country and us.

Name your Asian and somewhere out there is something for them but don’t take my word for it; look it up yourself. Type in your Asian Flavor and I guarantee you, you will find something that helps only, their own kind. And it’s worth noting, none of them are called “racist” or “bigot” for doing so neither.

[13] [14]

Comment Re:Micro vs Macroeconomics (Score 1) 171

The WASPs didn't invent human nature. One may argue quite convincingly that the reason the Mayflower settlers were forced out of Europe was their relative lack of political savvy. Human nature, on the other hand, is a constant regardless of what sort of artifices, such as the US Constitution, may be put up as a safeguard against recurrences of history's nightmares.

Comment Immigrants vs Settlers (Score 1) 171

There is an enormous difference between immigrants and settlers.

The US is a nation of settlers. The immigrants who came once the land was settled were qualitatively different in character.

If you can't understand the difference between a settler's relationship with natural laws and an immigrant's relationship with artificial laws as fundamentally differing skill sets, you don't understand anything about US history.

Comment The first actual electronic computation in Ames IA (Score 1) 171

According to patent priority, the first computer to do actual electronic computation was in the agricultural school at Ames, IA. Moreover, that project was terminated and resourced diverted to WW II efforts like Colossus which utilized less advanced technology to achieve obvious elaborations such as stored programs. You're correct that various forms of computers had been conceived but reduction to practice had to await the kind of culture present in the US land grant colleges, much as actual controlled flight had to await some middle class tinkerers in Ohio.

Comment Micro vs Macroeconomics (Score 4, Interesting) 171

The presumption that immigrants make "better" entrepreneurs has a lot of microeconomic evidence but the macroeconomic evidence against it is overwhelming.

Since the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 set in motion the process of electing a new people, there has been a collapse in the middle class. Since the ramp-up of "skilled" immigration, there has been a collapse of the economy itself.

This supports the theory that the older cultures that have been taking up positions of trust and authority in government, academia and business are, unsurprisingly, more sophisticated in playing the rent-seeking and zero-sum games required to gain access to resources necessary to "succeed". However, due to the kinds of games that must be played to acquire these resources, the effect on the overall human ecology has been to deprive the traditional American people -- the folks who invented the airplane, computer, transistor, planar integrated circuit, etc., -- of the resources to express their historic ingenuity. As a consequence, fundamental technological innovation hasn't occurred for decades.

Comment Terminate Patents of Nobility (Score 1, Interesting) 834

The most powerful thing the US Congress could do to bring down the cost of education and make it more accessible to the entire populace would be to enforce the Constitution's ban on patents of nobility. Specifically, the government recognizes higher education degrees as the functional equivalent of life titles. Certifications differ in that they must be renewed based on standardized testing, so relying on them is _not_ the equivalent of honoring patents of nobility.

Comment Not a big contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (Score 2) 264

Keeping in mind that methane is 25 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas, and that the US's total CO2 emission from electrical power generation (largely coal) is 2.4Gton_metric/year, the total CO2e from the source cited in TFA is (using calchemy's Unicalc):


([{25 * (2 * [milli*gramm])} / {meter^2}] / day) * (5.400025E6 * [mile^2]) ? (giga*ton_metric) / year

= 0.25524451 Gton_metric/year

That's about 10% of the greenhouse impact of the US's electrical power generation.

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