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Comment Re:Irony (Score 1) 172

Read your own words:

an article like Yang's to be published anywhere in their country,

You said "article like Yang's" not "articles by Western foreigners like Yang".

Yang is a foreign national pushing Chinese propaganda about a social credit system in the US

Neither there's anything indicating this author is trying to do that. He is raising more/remaining concerns about the Chinese system.

Comment Re:Irony (Score 1) 172

China would never permit an article like Yang's to be published anywhere in their country, and certainly not attached to the name of one of their leading universities. ...

Except that your claim is not even true, this is search of social credit abuse in Toutiao the leading online news aggregator run by TikTok parent ByteDance. Let me translate the titles of some of these articles and their publishers/writers:

You see. From individuals to Chinese government "mouthpiece" have voiced concerns and criticism of the abuses in the credit score system.

Learn Chinese and actually read sufficient news published within China before you make any point about China. Don't just parrot Western propaganda.

Comment Re:Cue idiot comments.. (Score 0) 202

The problem is that those laws are ignored to protect the apparatus of the state, despite the illegality.

While this statement is true, such laws, if enforced to the spirits, will only protect the rights of ordinary US citizens; it won't allow US crimes done to the world to be exposed. The problem is that most US crimes, done as the whole nation, are on the international arena. State sponsored(*) domestic crimes by the federal government were mostly done before the 1960s civil right movement.

* There are of course on-going police crimes on citizens, especially the blacks, but they are endless loopholes rather than fully state sponsored.

Comment Propaganda war (Score -1) 66

The hacking accusations against the US were proven by the Snowden Leaks.

That's why Edward Snowden is considered a traitor to the US while a hero to the world.

While almost all hacking accusations against China were raised by cybersecurity companies, it is more like FUD similar to the Iraq WMD or the Nayirah testimony sagas.

Submission + - China Accuses the NSA of Hacking a Top University to Steal Data (

hackingbear writes: China claims that America’s National Security Agency used sophisticated cyber tools to hack into an elite research university on Chinese soil. The attack allegedly targeted the Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi’an (not to be confused with a California school of the same name), which is highly ranked in the global university index for its science and engineering programs. The U.S. Justice Department has referred to the school as a “Chinese military university that is heavily involved in military research and works closely with the People’s Liberation Army,” painting it as a reasonable target for digital infiltration from an American perspective. China’s National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center (CVERC) recently published a report attributing the hack to the Tailored Access Operations group (TAO)—an elite team of NSA hackers which first became publicly known via the Snowden Leaks back in 2013, helps the U.S. government break into networks all over the world for the purposes of intelligence gathering and data collection. CVERC identified 41 TAO tools involved in the case; one such tool, dubbed “Suctionchar,” is said to have helped infiltrate the school’s network by stealing account credentials from remote management and file transfer applications to hijack logins on targeted servers.

Submission + - China Tests New Hypersonic Kerosene Transforming Engine (

hackingbear writes: On July 4, 2022, the Feitian-1 hypersonic vehicle developed by the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) successfully launched at a base in northwestern China. Demonstrating for the first time in the world an operational kerosene combined cycle ramjet/rocket engine capable of smooth transition between at least four different propulsion configurations, allowing for efficient operation in every phase of flight and expanding the flight envelope of future Chinese hypersonic aircraft. According to the research team that developed the Feitian-1, the vertically launched vehicle could travel at various speeds while maintaining high combustion efficiency. This required different engines to switch on and off at multiple points during the flight smoothly and steadily, a technical challenge faced by hypersonic programs worldwide. Northwestern Polytechnical University is blacklisted by the US false-flagging sanction programs. The University’s staff and students are not allowed to purchase or use commodities made in the US, including mathematical software. Meanwhile, much less ambitious American hypersonic programs have failed rather frequently.

Submission + - Chinese Team Claim Stem Cell Breakthrough in Mice Study (

hackingbear writes: Chinese scientists say they have found a way to reprogram stem cells so they have potential to generate an entire organism. In a study on mice cells published in the Nature journal on June 21, Tsinghua University researchers said the stem cells could create life without the need for reproductive cells. In the study, the researchers cultured pluripotent mice stem cells in petri dishes with media containing three small molecules into totipotent stem cells. Totipotent stem cells are embryonic cells formed within the first and second division after fertilization. Following injection into early-stage embryos in mice, the researchers found the chemically induced totipotent stem cells were capable of generating all the differentiated cell types in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues. Ding Sheng, a professor at the university’s school of pharmaceutical sciences and corresponding author of the study, noted that many of the possibilities of the finding may spur controversy. “Our research is rigorously under the scientific ethics framework Our main job is to focus on making discoveries under present management or rules, and lay the ground for future generations.”

Comment Oh Jack Ma just got the American treatment? (Score 0) 15

According to the American sensational reporting, Alibaba and Ant Financials should have been destroyed by the Chinese Communist Part and jack Ma should have been executed. But instead he just got the same treatments carried out in the US? How disappointed! Maybe it is time to drum up the story that Jack Ma is a communist party memeber again.

Comment Geopolitic (Score 1) 46

The US will just take out the superpower tool called Sanction(TM) against whichever rivalry countries, namely China and Russia, under the pretense of "cybersecurity". It's about maintaining monopoly of the world financial system and making sure the system an American geopolitical weapon. Previously, the US has done a similar act that to the currency of US "allies".

Comment Re:Who Gives a Shit (Score 1) 166

In fact, NATO has never been an aggressor. A country that does not intend to attack its neighbors has nothing to fear from NATO. In its entire history, NATO has engaged in exactly zero non-retaliatory actions other than peacekeeping missions at the request of the host country's lawful government.

Oh, really? Or NATO just labeled their attacks as peacekeeping? Where was Yugoslavia's sovereign rights in 1999?

And does Cuba have any rights determining whom they befriended with?

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