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Comment Re: Why would they? (Score 2, Insightful) 62

Maximum indeed. If I ran across that Krusty Krab kid's resume, I'd immediately shit-can it regardless of how talented he/she/they might be.
I have a Linked-In account strictly for keeping an eye on potential jobs but I don't login much any more due to the snowflakes constantly crying, "Wah, this recruiter was mean to me, give me a thumbs up if you have ever been mistreated!".

Comment The original sharer gets screwed (Score 1) 83

It's an interesting concept and all, but if you login to Netflix from Iowa on a legit account and somebody logs in from China on the same account, I'm sure Netflix would send the account holder an e-mail regarding account sharing and how it's a no-no unless you're in the same house.
If this blatant sharing keeps up, I'm seeing the account holder getting their account terminated.

Comment Is there a mean department? (Score 4, Insightful) 93

Who decides what's mean? I wonder if they spun up a whole new department to detect levels of mean-ness.
Also, what might be mean to you might be perfectly fine to me. How do you judge what's not nice? Maybe there's a snowflake meter where anything posted that could potentially be construed as "wah, my feelings are hurt" gets flagged?

Comment Re:The best thing to do with Old Yahoo (Score 1) 88

Previously long time Yahoo mail user here as well.
As soon as I saw Verizon bought them, I immediately started to looking for alternative e-mail providers. I still have a couple of throw-away accounts with them, but have been more than happy with a "real"/paid provider.
I would hope whoever ends up with Yahoo's assets, keeps Yahoo Finance.

Comment Re:I drive by HQ2â(TM)s prospective location (Score 1) 107

They had a story about it on the news Tuesday night. They said something about they are building 5 buildings (including the ice cream one) and it was going to be somewhere around 2-3B for everything. I don't recall exactly where it's going to be, but it was a good sized lot they'll carve out for it.

Comment Re:Journalism (Score 1, Insightful) 113

The only problem is that a lot of Redditors were going to be out even more money if the app had allowed them to continue.

I call BS. RH was covering for the Citadel folks and the hedge fund billionaires. Do you think RH was looking out the little guy by limiting the amount of shares they can buy?
I agree that a bunch of WSB folks are going to lose a lot, but it's not up to a trading app to make that call. I'm looking to move my all my YOLO money from RH into a brokerage that doesn't restrict trading, Fidelity for example doesn't babysit traders.

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