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Comment Re: This is fantastic (Score 1) 157

So, your argument is to:
* ignore what I found to be better and faster
* ignore the others that provide input to the articles
* ignore requests for money
* ignore what the Wikimedia Foundation says
* especially ignore Wikimedia Foundation content presented on (because they don't control the content I just saw)
all because you said so.

I have to ask: Is this research tool or a cult? (I also wonder if you are you a Trump supporter?)

Wikipedia may be a perfect resource for you, After all, Wikipedia is the ideal platform for someone who simply cannot accept the opinions of others because any person can make changes without a consensus. So, by all means, keep using it because peer review is obviously not a good fit for you.

I find it particularly telling that you proudly profess that you don't bother to read any of the discussions about the articles before making changes. You must go in and change anything on a whim, making you one of the biggest problems with Wikipedia. (Ironic, considering the OP.)

Also your overt attempts at shaming anyone who doesn't fawn ans swoon at your clumsy attempts at altruism by proxy speaks volumes about yourself. You obviously have self esteem issues. So, get off your high horse and deal with the fact that people will disagree with you---especially when you are delusional. Yes---delusional. After all, you just want people to simply accept what *you* say is the truth and you tell people to ignore what doesn't fit your delusion.

Comment Re: This is fantastic (Score 1) 157

What did you do about it?

Now, I do my own research elsewhere.
It's not my job to fix Wikipedia. I stopped providing any input or fixes to Wikipedia because of the often toxic "talk" discussions. The final straw was when I started getting pop-ups asking for money. I looked at the Wikimedia Foundation's annual report and just stopped contributing my time and efforts.

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