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Comment Re:More on systemd... (Score 1) 379

Apparently this is the most important information, from the front page.


Yes, it is written systemd, not system D or System D, or even SystemD. And it isn't system d either. Why? Because it's a system daemon, and under Unix/Linux those are in lower case, and get suffixed with a lower case d. And since systemd manages the system, it's called systemd. It's that simple. But then again, if all that appears too simple to you, call it (but never spell it!) System Five Hundred since D is the roman numeral for 500 (this also clarifies the relation to System V, right?). The only situation where we find it OK to use an uppercase letter in the name (but don't like it either) is if you start a sentence with systemd. On high holidays you may also spell it sÃstÃmd. But then again, SystÃme D is not an acceptable spelling and something completely different (though kinda fitting).

Comment Re:Hi. Eve player here. (Score 2) 463

There are allegations as well that CCP intentionally did this to drive up the price of PLEX (and in fact, just about every resource in the game)... which has happened. And CCP has colluded with players before to give valuable assets out -- and admitted to this.

Thats an almost slanderous claim, there was one case (5 years ago?) where one employee went "Rogue" and consipered with players for personal benefit, that event caused the company to create an internal investigation unit to make sure it doesnt happen again.

The company involved goes to great lengths to ensure they dont interfere with the games economy without good cause. They have an economist to monitor the health of the economy, and a reserve bank for the rare occasion that the ingame value of PLEX varies too much (i think they have only acted once or twice and there is oversight).

Comment Fairphone (Score 1) 303

Im also lookign to replace my N900 (which i like), previously had an OpenMoko Neo (which was a great talking piece, bad phone).

Im currently keeping an eye on the fairphone, they are just finishing there first batch of 25,000 phones and looking at a new order soon. Second release is usually a good one to get in one as they have had a chance to find and fix hardware bugs.

The replicant project has done a review of the fairphone, there biggest criticim of it is that it doest have good hardware isolation to prevent NSA type spying. It isnt supported by replicant yet, but say it should be possible.

It looks like the project is more driven ideology rather than profit, but that ideology is very much focused on the phone. I hope they do well.


Comment Re:good points / bad points (Score 1) 315

However, his revelations about NSA spying outside the USA have caused severe and lasting damage to the USA's reputation, and to the USA's ability to collect intelligence that it needs to defend it's interests

His revelations about NSA spying outside the USA have caused severe and lasting damage to the USA's ability to betray its allies.
The USA now has the oportunity to begin to earn the trust of its people so it can defend its national interests.

Comment Re:Precisely (Score 1) 1098

It pisses me off when they groan ... but but why didn't you use my api? I can't. Your license dictates that I can't earn a living off it nor can my employer.

If the GPL software was dual licenced and you could just pay money in order to avoid the obligations of the GPL, would you do it ?

Or are you only willing to accept software that is free as in speech and free as in beer, so you dont have to pass on either ?

Comment Re:OK... (Score 5, Insightful) 205

Games are one of the oldest and most powerful learning systems we have. Computer games obviously lose the physical benefit of RL game,s but they still have mental benefits.

They can teach Logic, promote social skills (as compared to TV), and can be good emotionally just ot blow of some steam.

I understand the drama with debian and non-free games, but surely you can seperate the two concepts.

Comment Co-operation and Trust (Score 3, Insightful) 279

Free and Open source software are about working together to write software, its unquestionably good.

There are tens of billions of dollars worth of Libre code out there, with thousands of unpunished violators, and only 2 or 3 people in the world defending it.

And this "community" persistently rallies against working tegether Legally with CLA, i just dont understand, is it purely a trust thing ?

(And if you want to help defend Free Software, consider donating to the Software Freedom Conservency)

Comment Re:Where are they? (Score 1) 324

You better be careful that tinfoil isnt shaped like an antenna.

To fix that you just need to make sure the tinfoil is eathed properly, but then you also need to make sure they arent doign anything tricky wit hthe earth leakage current.

Also, the NSA might be monitoring EM radiation from your external power supply.

I suggest you make tinfoil glasses and earplugs, ignorance is bliss.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
