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Comment Re:Same (Score 1) 1001

I was asked how I would make a linked list with pointers in C# by a bank I was interviewing for. I was like, "I wouldn't. I would use a generic List or Dictionary or Hashtable." He then said, "Well, what if you absolutely needed to?" I said, "Well, then I would use the built-in LinkedList and Queue and Stack." "They have those in C#?" "Yes, yes they do." I knew then instantly that while they still wanted me, I didn't want to work for a guy stuck in the 1980s.

Comment Re:I could not agree more (Score 1) 1001

At my current job, the reviewer asked me how I would implement a Graphics Fill algorithm. I said, "I wouldn't. I would call the Windows API because that's already written and tested and would get done in hardware."

He was actually surprised that Fill is in hardware. Anyway, I still wrote the algorithm anyway, but I think he was really pleased with the answer because it showed how I thought about the problem.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 328

Foreign languages are infinitely more useful in life than Trig and Calculus, which 99.9% of people will never use (I'm a software architect, and I've never used them). Why don't we put them in place of that instead. But until they stop teaching fake languages like Processing and Scratch instead of Java, Javascript, C# or something actually useful, who really cares? CS is dumbed down so much now as to be completely useless. My daughter dropped her AP CS class in high school not because it was too hard, but because it was too easy and wasn't teaching her anything useful!

Comment Re:Competitors don't get it (Score 1) 115

This is so true. I got a $5 Raspberry Pi Zero just for kicks. I have spent 10 hours on it and still don't have my bluetooth chip working, and it's a very common chip. Why can't Raspbian come with hardware drivers for the 10 or so most common chips used with it?

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