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Comment Re:If women are so smart . . . (Score 1) 928

and both of you are showing how truly insecure you both are.
Some nerds get laid, some nerds don't. Some people get laid, some people don't. Some hotshot super you beaut (say in aussie accent) engineers get laid sometimes, regularly, barely ever, etc, but there sexual prowess probably has very little to do with their ability to make decent machines that work.

Even the geeks in weird clothing can get laid, although chances rise if it's clean, but they have to have enough confidence to actually talk to the potential partner and let attractions, random chance, yadda yadda decide.

Having troubles getting laid really makes someone a loser I guess if you're still in highschool, funnily enough even quite attractive people have troubles getting laid.

Comment Re:If women are so smart . . . (Score 1) 928

Ever seen the romance novel industry? Hunking great men with decent incomes, full of romance etc, Funnily enough men don't seem to be as insecure about their looks, etc from the female version of porn. Watching a gaggle of women nitpick each other or others over clothing, habits, etc is pretty insane, personally the majority of insecurity these days I believe are caused and/or supported by women themselves, kinda like the majority of mens insecurity over their penis size is caused by men usually.

Babies can be bottlefed, single fathers seem to be able to manage to raise kids as well as mothers. In society women are seen as the nurturers but more and more there are men proving that they can be great at raising a child "alone"

As for the shelters I do hope they'll make exceptions to allow a father with child to seek refuge for the odd case that it's needed.

In Australia we have an ad campaign that says Violence against women, Australia says no, so much advertising about it however I am yet to see on tv etc anything saying men can be victims too by the hand of a woman, people like to think that it doesn't happen much, or that men are so much better at handling it. Some statistics here if you need.

I'd love to see men and women both taking charge and empowering their own gender, hell even help the other gender, in loving and respecting yourself, cutting down all this vicious insecurity, realizing that both women AND men deserve equality, none of this crazy blame game that seems to keep us in the past, both genders went thru bad shit, so move on and make it better for BOTH.

Comment Re:I don't think so... (Score 1) 207

I hear this abortion this is pretty immoral, but for some cases where the child will grow up SEVERELY disadvantaged, body messed up, mental ability low, possibly a lot of pain, even just the emotional pain of knowing you're basically lesser than the others, I find it pretty immoral that people would willingly allow this child to get to the stage it's born and truly starts to active/become self aware/reach a stage of consciousness.

It's humane to put down dog's etc with debilitating illness, yet we're still at a point where people think that bringing some messed up child into the world is some miracle, it truly makes me sick.

We're in a society where it's soon going to be the time where we can reasonably expect sex to be a conception free event (Hopefully the work on the male pill proves to be the 100% they are stating), it'd solve a lot of this debate, at least for those who are smart enough to use it.

I am pro choice, not all abortions are done because of defects/rape, but abortions will ALWAYS HAPPEN whether legal or not, the great thing when it's legal is that it tends to be done in nice clean sterile safe( well as much as possible) environments, and I am hoping that the fetus brain is destroyed/disabled at the highest speed possible in order to limit any pain if it exists for them at that point. I can only guess that it would be like sleeping, no real consciousness of our pain etc so no pain would be felt, simply a quick painless death/end. If this isn't the case feel free to show me the evidence, I just haven't seen any decent info relating to any pain felt at abortion.

As for the purpose? To save people the "hassle", to be humane and not allow a child to suffer needlessly, to avoid having to give birth, raise or adopt out a child, maybe from rape? maybe because the mother really isn't ready to be a mother, doesn't want the child to be born and truly become "alive". It's usually heartbreaking to abort, but adopting out can also be heartbreaking, as well as trying to raise a kid when your means are low.

People mess up, abortion is an option that can help avoid more possible mistakes/troubles/etc for the person, I really doubt the fetus would even know they existed at that point, and earlier the better.

I think pro life should really be looking at ways to truly be prolife, protect the children by giving indepth contraception + sexual health education, hell even care for every human that is ALIVE. Millions are hungry, they are alive, conscious, feeling pain and suffering, the fetus hasn't gotten to this point.

These comments are based upon the fetus being unconscious/not self aware/for all intents and purposes just something growing before blossoming.

Comment Re:Where's the tricorder (Score 1) 99

When people start paying 2grand per visit to pay off all the diff machines needed.
Hopefully though we'll see the costs come down in the future, the doctors can take the symptoms and do their best guess at what it may be, but its not always easy to spot. If they can find out enough to know where the problem may be, send u off for a blood test etc, see a specialist, whatever, then the treatment process can begin.

Comment Re:France just sucks (Score 1) 356

when she's older, give her all the information she needs to make a decision the best she can. Possibly society might have changed more and we'll have 10 year olds regularly doing sexual things, but who knows, maybe it'll flip and we'll go through a more conservative time.

Before her first period I'd advise giving the whole birds n bee's talk, and way before that give her the talk on good touching, bad touching (to protect against molestation, naivity in kids will leave them exposed). Don't ever ever though make the topic of sex a negative one as that can affect her sex life for the future, make her know it can be positive but also make her realize that she doesn't need to do anything for someone else for them to like her, sex should always be about what we want, to make sure we are ready and to share that with someone.

As a kid she may play doctor but usually not for sexual reasons, it's just at certain ages (friends n I were 6 or so when we started) we explore bodies, notice diff things about each other, if you are worried talk to a child psychologist and work out a good set of boundaries.

Knowledge is her protection, if her and her peers are smart, stick together and look out for each other, protect each other at parties when someones drunk etc it will lower the chances quite a lot of anything bad happening. Can give her self defense classes as well, and also to try keep her self esteem high, give her positive reinforcement, praise the good in her and it should give her enough power to protect herself.

We all make mistakes in life but the thing that matters the most is that we have friends and family there for us to help guide us, pick us up when we fall, and keep our head above the water.

Good luck and you'll be a great dad, one sign of a great father is asking for help, caring so much that you are willing to research everything you can to protect your kin. Thanks for keeping society great.

Comment Re:Finally, some sense (Score 1) 229

I don't have much problem with this cept as long as the new work differs quite a lot from the original, I'd be pissed if I had made something, and someone else made a profit from basically copy pasting my work into something and flogging it off without any real change. But for the public just downloading it I wouldn't care all that much.

Comment Blood, sweat, n tears. (Score 1) 414

They seem to forget the blood sweat n tears we put into earning our money in order to finally afford the cd, then to be spat in the face with another fee to listen to it on a music device and have to buy another copy? In the end it only harms the musicians, people will resent paying for these goods more n more thus seek the avenue which is fast becoming the ideal one, illegal p2p. Musicians should just setup a lil paypal link somewhere, they'd probably get quite a few donations.

Comment Re:real children + real pornongraphy = ??? (Score 1) 639

Some countries 16, or even 14 year olds are legal to have sex with. I think people would be more worried about 0-16 vs 12-18. Problem is that younger bodies are maturing faster n faster, men are attracted to sexually mature females and they dont magically become that at 18, there are 14 year olds who can easily pass for much older. Hence the term jailbait (Though jailbait u tend to know they are too young)

Comment Re:Justifying piracy (Score 1) 793

Piracy has been around for so long, in a dream land if no sales were made, people would still make art/etc for simply the love of art itself. I have some photography for sale and wouldn't really care too much if people wanted to use it for private reasons, long as I am credited but I'd draw the line at making a profit from it. If something is good, throw em a dime and give them incentive to create more. If you're poor, then tell your friends, family, get it some much needed airtime as word of mouth is the best advertising. Then the profits may roll in for whatever art you do.

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