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Comment we've always been at war with Eurasia (Score 1) 560

You guys always crack me up. You think there is a real difference between democrat and republican politicians in this day and age?! Fighting amongst yourselves is exactly what the international banksters that own the banks that own the banks want you to do.

If your politician isn't standing up and screaming, "Hey, quit printing money out of thin air and charging us interest on it you bastards!", then they are all part of the same problem. Having people tied to the government determine the cost of fiat money (interest rates) is a complete recipe for disaster. The last 35 years are proof of this. The US has over 11 TRILLION dollars in debt and imports more than it exports. You think having a different political party in ANY of the branches of government is going to help this?

And don't start with the BS about "% of GDP", because the GDP is made up in large part from consumer debt. But please, continue your squabbling, it makes you good global citizens.

Comment Where is the "lieintitle" tag? (Score 3, Insightful) 1246

I read this article yesterday. The student got arrested for not stopping an action after class was stopped and the supervisors where putting school on hold waiting for her to stop doing an action. I don't like police states myself, but I like lame-ass attention-whores trying to pump up their ad revenues just as little.

Being arrested for not obeying an authority is not the same thing as being arrested for texting. mmkay?

Comment Re:I'd go the other way, personally (Score 2, Insightful) 614

"China, People's Republic of: $5,325, rank: 100

United States: rank: $45,725, rank: 6

Clear enough?"

No, not clear. While you may or may not be making a valid point, giving absolute values of income does nothing to tell you the standard of living, which is what would really determine if someone was "rich" or not. Where I live in the US, the average price of a home has probably dropped back down to about a million dollars. You can't rent a room for less than 1,000/month. While there may be a difference in the average standard of living, I don't think it is in proportion to the dollar values you cite. So, no, it is not clear at all.

Comment couldn't disagree more (Score 1) 305

"Let's agree: "Linux" as implemented by the many distros right now is ugly out of the box! Compare that with Apple's OSX or even Windows XP out of the box. With Linux, you first have to look for those Microsoft web fonts before you call a potential convert to have a look! Sad indeed."

When I go to use one of the newer Start buttons in windows that is all "mapped out" instead of a nice, simple, list, I don't know where anything is. Very frustrating. And what about Macs? Because stuff gets BIGGER when I mouse over it, that makes it easier to understand!? I hate the way KDE looks, but I don't pretend that Gnome is any better. It is my opinion.

Your whole argument starts off like a statement of fact when it is really only an opinion.

Comment This was already answered (Score 2, Insightful) 90

"However why take this risk when both the pilots and air controller have full command of the same language which is not english ? This would be true here particularly in the case of a regional flight. Why take an additional risk ?"

So that the pilots from India, Russia, Czech Republic, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, etc. know what the hell is going on at the airport. Wasn't that clear enough from the example given?

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