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Submission + - MtGox finds 200,000 BTC in old wallet.

thesandbender writes: Today has news that BTC "found" 200,000 BTC coin a "forgotten" wallet that they thought they was empty. The value of the coins is estimated to be $116 million USD, which happens to cover their $64 million USD in outstanding debts nicely and might offer them the chance to emerge from bankruptcy. There is no explanation, yet, of why the sneaky thieves that "stole" the bit coins used a MtGox wallet to hide them.

Comment So much wrong in this thread... (Score 5, Insightful) 173

AMD's Bulldozer cores have Clustered Integer Core which has two true ALU "cores" and one shared FPU. For integer instructions this is two true cores and not "hyper-threading". For FP instructions this is "hyper-threading" and why Intel has been regularly handing AMD it's arse in all benchmarks that aren't strictly ALU dependent (gaming, rendering, etc). AMD's FPU implementation, clock for clock, is a bit weaker on most instructions as well. And yes, the FPU _is_ shared on AMD processors.

EMT64 is not "32 bits on each 1/2 of the clock cycle". That doesn't even make any sense. EMT64 is true 64 bit. x86-64 does have 32 bit addressing modes when running on non-64bit operating systems. This is part of the x86-64 standard and hits AMD, Intel and VIA.

Hardware Queuing Support is part of the Heterogeneous System Architecture open standard and won't even be supported in hardware until the Carizzo APU in 2015. Since this is an open standard, Intel can chose to use it.

Both architectures have shared caches.

WTF does nVidia's IEE-754 compliance have to do with Intel vs AMD?

I'm not an Intel or AMD fanboy, I try to use the right one for the job. I prefer AMD for certain work loads like web servers, file servers, etc because they have the most integer-bang for the buck. If I'm doing anything that involves FP, I'm going to use an Intel Chip. Best graphics solution?... yeah, I'm not even going to go down that hole.

Comment Re:Damnit (Score 1) 302

And don't forget about bugs with Java itself. We spent about half a day trying to figure out why an application that had been functioning until a Java upgrade stopped talking to the MS-SQL server it used, until we stumbled across JDK-7103725. We had to rollback until it was fixed (which actually took a few builds). There is a tiny bit of truth to the "Write once, break everywhere." troll.

Comment Re:Suspected =/= knew (Score 1) 263

It doesn't matter if he suspected or knew... in either case transactions should have been suspended. Let me demonstrate the issue for you:

"DaveV1.0 paid me to house sit while he was on vacation. I suspected that a friend had stolen the key, was taking his valuables and defiling his gerbil but I didn't bother to change the locks or even drive by the house to see if anything was amiss."

I suspect you wouldn't care if I suspected or knew at this point, you would still hold me responsible.

Comment Re:New Type of "Computing" (Score 2) 60

You did mis-read the article. They're not proposing it as a quantum computing solution, nor are they proposing to improve RAM speeds by using electron spin. They're proposing to use the electron orbital state to store information. Currently a charge (multiple electrons) are used to store one bit. This solution would allow one single electron to store one or more bits. This could be used to produce faster storage but it has other applications as well, such as faster switching logic. The end result would be a substantially faster computer and improved information density but it will still be deterministic.
I'm not sure how you inferred any claims to quantum computing or NDTM's from that article.

Comment Re:New Type of "Computing" (Score 3, Interesting) 60

Actually, it could prove to be radically different than current computers/computing. Almost all current computers are based on binary logic, your bit is either on or off. Electrons can actually have several orbital states so it is possible that computing could be approached in a different manner. This assumes that logic could actually be performed with the orbital states and it's not just a bit store. All of this is quite a long way off though, per the article you currently need a two mile long accelerator to change the orbital state of an electron this accurately.

Comment This is not limited to Russia (see F-35) (Score 2) 354

"Bloat" is a feature common to all engineering tasks, not just software. Anyone who follows the aviation industry can tell you that this happens over, and over and over again. Requirements are put out, designs are submitted and then the wonks start coming in and saying "well, we could also add this", "well we could also add that". Every time this is allowed to happen, it's a complete failure. The designs that succeed are the ones that stay true to the original requirements. e.g.
U-2: I fly high and far, nothing else.
SR-71: I fly fast, nothing else (attempts we're made to add intercept capability and rejected).
F-14: I intercept, nothing else (attempts we're made to add bombing capability and rejected).
F-15: I will own the skies and do nothing else (bombing has been added on but it has not strayed from it's mission).
AV-8B: I will provide forward air base support and nothing else.

Comment Time to overhaul the Credit Card system in the US. (Score 4, Interesting) 151

The primary justification for not overhauling the inherently weak credit card system in the US has been the cost to the retailers, banks and credit card processors. And there's some validity to this, upgrading the system would have a major impact everyone from the banks and large retailers on down the the mom and pops and the card holders themselves. However, the cost of continually cleaning up these messes is going to start adding up. It's time to accept the fact that the current system is horribly outdated and fix it (most retailers in Europe won't even accept chip-less us cards anymore).

Comment Delta had no choice (Score 1) 303

Carriage laws in the US prevent a ticket price from being changed after it is purchased. This includes canceling the ticket because of the price it was issued at (because this is effectively the same as changing the price of the ticket since the consumer would have to repurchase it). You'll notice that Delta's carriage policy specifically outlines that they will never sell a ticket for $0 so they can excluded it. Since they can't state this for any other fare price, they can't exclude it and it falls under the general carriage policy. It would be different if, say, Kayak or Expedia screwed up and gave the wrong ticket price... but since this was on the carriers website and they are dealing directly with the customer, they are SoL.

Comment Re:And I Will Stop Buying... (Score 5, Insightful) 521

Aluminum is a perfectly sound material as long as it's used correctly. It's been used in aircraft, rockets and other vehicles that take stresses far beyond what you will ever do to your truck. Flying may seem like it doesn't generate much stress but the loads on a 747 or A380 when they are landing are tremendous. The regular compression/decompression cycles that a plane goes through when going from ground level to altitude are also impressive when you look at the numbers. The fact that we consider it so commonplace is a testimony to how durable aluminum is. The average person is shocked when they see the thickness of the tubing used in bicycles, including downhill mountain bikes which take one hell of a beating.

But this is all contingent on how the aluminum is employed. If they have good, experienced engineers then this can only end well (I'd love to have a truck that didn't rust).

Submission + - Best resources for job searching internationally?

thesandbender writes: I'm a U.S. Citizen and my spouse is Japanese (with a U.S. green card) . Recently we've had serious discussions about relocating to Japan for various personal reasons. What sites and resources does the /. community recommend for finding employment overseas? Also, are there any issues I should watch out for (e.g. companies using H1-B sponsorship for near extortion here in the U.S.)? I'm specifically interested in Japan (obviously) but I'm sure a lot of people have the same question for other countries.

Comment Re:Cell phones are better in a disaster (Score 5, Insightful) 582

I'm actually speaking from experience. I live in NYC and last year during Sandy we ran into many of the problems you describe. Business and Individuals in areas that still had power were setting out extension cords and power strips for people to recharge their phones. Mobile generators can be used for the same purpose (and growing up in Texas it was my experience that most people in isolated rural areas either already have a portable generator or know someone close by that does).

The situation you described in Rio and Sao Paulo is not unique to cell phones. POTs systems have a limit on how many calls they can support as well, the dreaded "all circuits are busy message" here in the states. The reason POTs lines are less susceptible to that now is that fewer people are using them so it doesn't happen as often. A common solution to this is to tell people just to text instead of making calls, that helps reduce the load on the cellular infrastructure.

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