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Fantastic Voyage Microrocket Technology Coming To a Body Near You 19

coondoggie writes "In the 1966 science fiction classic Fantastic Voyage, a tiny submarine with a crew of five is miniaturized and injected into a comatose man to surgically laser a blood clot in his brain and save his life. At this week's American Chemical Society Nanoengineering expert Joseph Wang detailed his latest work in developing micromotors and microrockets that are so small that thousands would fit inside this 'o'. Such machines could someday perform microsurgery, clean clogged arteries or transport drugs to the right place in the body. But there are also possible uses in cleaning up oil spills, monitoring industrial processes and in national security."

Comment Re:Hopefully it fixed a lot of bugs .... (Score 1) 95

nuke for motion graphics (or even digitalfusion).

i think the autodesk editing programs run in linux. you'll be paying much more than $500 for smoke, combustion, etc though.

at the lower end there's always lightworks, but you'll need to wait a bit while they get their shit together.

premiere 6.5 may work in wine if you poke at it enough. cut in DV quicktime and you stand a chance. export EDL and conform in something else.

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