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Comment Boy, there's a lot of bloggers who can't read... (Score 1) 483

The agreement bans making "public statements regarding" the agreement. It does not ban disclosing the agreement itself. In other words, you can't say "this agreement sucks" in public (or ""this agreement sucks in public", for that matter.

Anyone can get a copy of the agreement by going through the sign-up process until the agreement pops up, making a copy, and then clicking "Disagree".

Comment Bad comparison (Score 1) 368

And while Patriot missiles can take out UAVs, at $3 million apiece such protection carries a steep price tag, especially if we have to deal with $500 DIY drones.

You don't compare the cost of the defensive weapon system to the cost of the offensive weapon system, you compare the cost of the defensive weapon system to the cost of what would be lost if the offensive weapon system succeeded. By that scale, Patriot is dirt cheap.

Comment Chronically ignorant OPs (Score 1) 340

The chronically mismanaged Constellation project attempted to build new rockets in-house and replicate an Apollo-style lunar program with minimal investment in new technologies.

List your qualifications and show you have the knowledge and experience to determine that a rocket program is "chronically mismanaged". Or shut your mouth. And quoting the critics is not allowed, since they are by and large either inexperienced shysters trying to use their "knowledge" to wring appearances fees out of the media or interplanetary roboticists look to get more funding for their own late, over budget, and problem-laden programs.

Comment Re:Unsure. (Score 1) 282

I used to work pizza. We had been told to start cutting larges into 10 pieces instead of 8. I had 2 days left before leaving for college, so what did I care, so I was still cutting into 8. One guy actually brought a pizza back because there were only 8 pieces, and we had to make a new pie. I got the evil eye from the manager and a free large pizza.

Comment Obligatory subject line (Score 2, Insightful) 222

The only way to get cable boxes into retail is to make them more attractive than the rental boxes from the cable cos. The only way to do that is to stop the cable cos from lying to customers and saying the boxes are required and that retail boxes (and Tivos) won't work on their systems. And the only way to do that is kill the atrocious profits the cable cos make from renting a $50 box for $10+ a month for years. And the only way to do that is stop the cables cos from providing boxes at all. And then the cable cos will just add the $10+ a month into their regular fees.

Or, you can educate consumers, but that's harder than doing the above.

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