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Comment Re: Keep dreaming (Score 1) 265

The first signs all was not well with CO2 could be seen in the 80's. The increasing levels were a question on a math test I took in that period. It interested me so I started reading about it. In the 90's books were coming out about the issue, with solutions. Solutions that were not as expensive then, because it was 30 years earlier and there was more time to spread out investment, change infrastructure etc.

And ofcourse capitalism being what it is, nothing was done. Oh, sorry, the conservative government axed our fledgling wind turbine industry as requested by Shell. So they did something.

So yeah, it could have been much cheaper. But if nobody does something until its too late, shit gets expensive. A bit like the medical issues in the USA. Nobody pays for prevention, but if you are dying they will treat the shit out of you, at a cost that is 4-5 orders of magnitude higher.

Comment Re: Good. (Score 1) 265

Of course it does matter what the USA does. First, it is still the biggest polluter per capita on the planet. Second, if they have actual standards, those will be forced upon China and India as well, with the support of the EU, to keep a level playing field.
Third, have you actually looked at the absolutely massive investment in solar, wind and nuclear power in China?

Don't keep repeating the talking points of the Koch brothers, it looks silly.

Comment Re: Are you really this daft? (Score 0) 265

Of course it's about money: it's been about the cost shoved off to future generations and other people. And now, that hidden cost is on the bill and its past due.

Remember when the US threatened a trade war with the EU over carbon tax on planes a decade ago? It would certainly have helped to reduce the bill.

But go ahead, keep repeating the talking points of the Koch brothers, ExxonMobil, and Shell. I'm sure with those altruistic people, it's not about the money.

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