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Comment Re:Electric Shock (Score 1) 951

I've been on the phone with an ISP tech person who assumed I was an idiot or lying to them.

After informing them that, 'yes, in fact a telecommunications electrician has checked the phone line, but I don't see how that could be the problem,' and then having them tell me, "Mr. [X], you mustn't have done something, we will have to go through the procedure again." This would have been the 3rd time, I'd been on the phone for over an hour.

My response. "No, we've done it twice over the phone, I already did the same thing 3 times myself. And actually it's Dr. [X]." That stopped him dead. He stopped hassling me and passed on the problem to someone higher up.

We got a call back the next day. Turns out there was a bug in the ISP's code.

Moral to the story: best use for a doctorate, correcting tech support people who thing you're stupid.

Comment Re:Electric Shock (Score 1) 951

I think the respondent's point is that many error messages are nonsensical and thus hard to remember. Often, I read an error message only to forget it 5 seconds after I've clicked Ok. Sure, a puppy dog or a baby would help with this (personally I like the colour and number system). What would also help is if the error was informative (and not written in binary).

Comment Re:No, no. (Score 1) 449

"Books and maps were originally allowed to be copyrighted for 16 years as this was viewed as necessary to help people recoup their costs of production, newspapers, handbills, plays, and music were not allowed copyright protection." What about the cost in time to the originator of the work. How long do you think it takes to write a good novel? To plan out how the story will proceed, to give life to the characters and make them believable, to incorporate original thoughts and ideas into the narrative? Now, how long do you think it takes to copy that?

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According to all the latest reports, there was no truth in any of the earlier reports.
