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Comment Re:Where did the lost authority come from? (Score 4, Insightful) 869

You mean like when he originally released his birth certificate that serves as valid ID anywhere else? That actually happened. What then followed was two years of people saying he needed to go even further than anybody else and release a "long form" certificate that nobody else needs to submit. Somehow this became a claim that a birth certificate wasn't released when it's simply not true. Thanks for being gullible enough to repeat it, though.

Comment Re:IBM & company (Score 1) 763

This rant is loaded with statements that aren't factual but serve the libertarian view of what is wrong with American businesses. Inflation is quite low because quantitative easing is doing less to inflate the money supply than deflationary pressures are doing to deflate it. When a house is foreclosed on that's money that's being destroyed. The same when houses or stock lose value. The poor economy and lack of jobs is also causing people to hold off on purchases and lower demand causes lower prices (oversimplified). Giving companies tax breaks when they offshore is counterproductive to creating or retaining jobs but the Chamber of Commerce that used money from unknown sources to run ads against Democrats this election wants those tax breaks because it's "business friendly" and businesses want to offshore.

China is still a communist nation and you deal with government corruption and lack of intellectual property laws (the enforcement of which, by the way, is paid for from our taxes and corporate taxes (if they're ever paid)).

Also, only people with a crap ton of money can set up a hedge fund. Who's going to trust a mom and pop hedge fund in the strip mall by a laundromat? Some things just have a high barrier of entry naturally and hedge funds are definitely one of them. That's kind of a no brainer.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 1657

I live in Texas and drive a motorcycle year round and it sounds like ass to me. Sweating your nuts off in the middle of summer is awful. Besides, isn't that just a selfish view of it all? Couldn't you maybe get away from yourself and look at how people everywhere would be affected by a warming climate?

Comment I can't really argue too much with this. (Score 1) 221

I play another EA game that has free components (BattleForge) and I'm always worried that they're going to shut it down because it's not making enough money. There are a lot of Free 2 Play people on and I sometimes wish they were spending just a bit more money since I understand about costs of keeping up servers and releasing new cards (it's a trading card RTS). So I can't blame EA too much for trying to snag a little revenue out of one of their investments. In BF there's a market for trading gold, which is earnable in maps, for BattleForge points. I think there's a good balance there but it's not perfect yet.

Comment Re:Nothing (Score 1) 369

That's funny. I've currently got Building Web Applications for Microsoft ofice SharePoint Designer 2007, C# 3.0 In A Nutshell, and Asp.Net Ajax 3.5 which are fairly new books. All together, those three books would be more than a hundred dollars but instead, they cost me nothing and I can renew them online. Also, I located them online, reserved them online, and went through self-checkout. If you prefer book stores over libraries I wonder if your library is really that horrible or if your mind is really that closed.

Comment Re:Hobby (Score 1) 537

Tell me about it. I got thrown into the deep end in my first programming gig and there was SQL involved. The C# and Asp.Net parts were simple. The SQL and figuring out what the hell the people were doing who I took the site over from were the difficult parts. The FUN part was learning XSLT and replacing all those damn asp:Repeater controls with it. I love opening up a blank XSL file and starting on it for some reason. That's the really fun stuff.

Comment Re:amd (Score 1) 186

I hope this comment is in jest pointing out that people have been claiming that AMD is in trouble for years and despote those prognostications AMD continues to carry on.
Either that you're totally wrong. AMD's not the GM of the PC industry.

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