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Comment Re:If I am doing the math right (Score 4, Informative) 165

Just realized how careless I was. My calcs assume acceleration from propulsion only. Voyager 1 took up much less fuel but is going at a pretty good clip due to gravitational assists. So the comparison is not apples-to-apples. Voyager 1 has used about 80 kg of mass to get to its current speed, but a good part of that was due to energy from being placed in orbit and from a slingshot around Jupiter.

Comment Re:Given that we aren't actually simpletons... (Score 1) 165

Most likely this thing was not aboard any ship or probe or any other object in outer space. This thing is being developed, so it is likely attached to some instruments in a lab where they can monitor it continually and make sure there aren't any problems. Likely they shut it down periodically to look for any problems, signs of breakdown or other signs that this cannot be scaled up for any reason.

So how far and how fast are irrelevant. There are enough numbers in the summary that you can do your own calculation on any object you like.

Comment If I am doing the math right (Score 4, Interesting) 165

This ion thruster placed on Voyager 1 would have taken it up to 37 km/s over 5 years compared to the 17km/s it is going now. Not part of my calculations is that Voyager 1 would have been slightly lighter due to the reduced fuel load. i don't have exact enough numbers to do the calc, but it would have likely been in the low 40's km/s.

Comment Re:Capitalism (Score 1) 353

You are kinda right. When a monopoly or other form of heavily restricted competition and/or there is a public good that goes beyond a strict consumer/supplier relationship, then you are right in that we should not be left to the mercy of the suppliers. Where I think you are wrong is that this does not spell out "capitalism doesn't belong". You even say so later in your post that "We need regulation". So, capitalism DOES belong, but it should be regulated to ensure it conforms with the broader public good.

Comment Outrageous (Score 4, Interesting) 231

I am about 40 years old, and for most of my life considered homosexuals to be somehow inferior with through genetics or lifestyle choice. My world view has changed quite a bit, mostly by seeing real-world homosexuals, and strangely enough a closeted homosexual who claimed to be "cured".

It is hard to put a date on when my view changed, but now I see how wrong I was and fully support same-sex marriage and make sure to show my support as a way of undoing some of the ignorance I helped spread.

In the same way, we have an opportunity to not just pardon Turing, but express just how wrong we were. It will never erase the harm, but it will help heal the wound.

Comment Re:Kudos (Score 1) 1061

And as far as your "elucidating a definition", here was the definition you gave originally "Hate speech is pretty easily classified by HATE against other groups of PEOPLE".

Do you also define a farmer as "someone who farms"? In either case, the definition isn't too helpful.

If you are defining hate speech as "inciting to violence" that is one thing. But that ISN'T the definition of hate speech You seem to weave in and out of the real definition. If I say "I hate Catholics and don't think they should be allowed in politics", that is defined as "hate speech" but is allowed in the United States. If I say "I hate Catholics and they should die", then that is inciting to violence and is NOT allowed in the United States

You then say it is very easy to define hate speech when you fail to do so yourself. And, frankly, even intelligent folks have a hard time doing so. There was a European case against a pastor who preached on homosexuality. One court found he violated hate speech laws. Another found the opposite. Who is right? Despite your earlier claims, it is often in the eye of the beholder.

And what groups are protected? Since you claim to be an expert (despite contradicting yourself and failing to define the term when claiming to do so), you would know that generally consensus is around race and religion. Sexual orientation sometimes. Political ideology sometimes. In some countries expressing hatred toward the government is also prohibited. Which definition is right? Does there have to be an incitement to violence? Who defines what constitutes incitement?

So sorry, you can throw out insults all day like you do in the majority of your posts, but that doesn't make you arguments any more valid.

Comment Re:Kudos (Score 1) 1061

No, you aren't a nice person.

I can see reality just fine, it is you who have the problem. I am free to hate who I want to hate and express that hatred. I may not advocate violence, but I am free to denounce any group I like to.

I hate the Westboro Church and its members. Under your definition, that statement should be illegal as it falls under "religion". What is most sad about you is that you present yourself as though you think your IQ is much higher than those you are talking to. In my case, I can almost certainly guarantee you are wrong.

Comment Re:Kudos (Score 1) 1061

Boy, aren't you a nice person.

Even hate against people is protected speech and should remain so. The part folks like you seem to have missed in history is that once you have the camel's nose in your tent, the rest of the camel follows. Pretty soon you won't be able to say anything negative about a different group of people on the grounds that it is "hate speech". You are so naive as to think it is a very cut and dry line between "hate speech" and "not hate speech", but the reality is that like porn, it is in the eye of the beholder.

Comment Re:Newtown Conn Prayers (Score 1) 2987

Congratulations. In eight years on Slashdot, you just became my second "foe". It is quite a high honor. Frankly, I don't mind atheism as I used to be one myself. I don't even mind pointing out perceived weakness in the behaviors and practices of those who believe in God. It is a free country after all, and I believe in free speech. The reason your post is so disgusting is the timing and lack of propriety. The OP basically is offering his condolences and you decide to make it a religious discussion. 20 dead kids and you think the relevant issue is the OP's belief in God. If you can't get that it isn't the time or place,, then you have some type of social deficiency that you should work on.

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