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Comment Re:300Mbps for $?$?$ (Score 1) 230

You just made the GP's point, which is that 300 Mbps is plenty fast, even for tomorrow's streaming needs.

Gig fiber is interesting for media streaming, sure, but what about applications that actually need that kind of bandwidth. Off-site nightly backups, anyone? How about sharing your LUG's collection of Linux ISO's or public domain classic films with your local club without having to wait for some stupid choked file-sharing site middle man? Distributed thin client computing where the terminal servers aren't even on site? The "20 Mbps is fast enough for HDTV" argument is so tired. Can we start thinking 21st century now?

Comment Re:300Mbps for $?$?$ (Score 1) 230

That depends entirely on the compression though, doesn't it? For comparison, Netflix's SuperHD 1080p uses in the neighbourhood of 5-6 Mbps, while a bluray encoding of the same content at the same resolution might consume eight times the bandwidth, and is still compressed (just less so). Multiply those figures by four to estimate what a 4k stream might use.

And I agree that 300 Mbps isn't dogmeat. It's plenty for most people today, but at the same time, I (most geeks, I'm sure) would use it if I had it, and more.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 4, Informative) 631

Debian was my first and only distro until Ubuntu hit approximately 6.04. It was then that I felt Ubuntu offered a smooth enough experience to justify the "bloat" (funny how perspectives change) that came with the switch.

Having used mostly Ubuntu on my servers for the past seven years, there has been the odd time that I needed to squeeze Linux onto a small flash, and it was Debian to the rescue. Debian is great, but when you're used to Ubuntu it does feel unfamiliar in the way it handles some things.

A second thing that has me still preferring Ubuntu on servers is the quicker uptake of new features. SSD TRIM is a big one, as I started migrating all of my systems to SSD in 2008, and TRIM required the newest kernels. Yeah, I could have compiled my own kernels in Debian, but as any Debian user knows, updates are a different world when you step outside the Garden of Eden that is apt-get. Ubuntu made getting such new features a piece of cake and in a timely manner.

And lastly, there are advantages to being mainstream. There are tonnes of cool products being developed for Linux these days, and generally speaking, Ubuntu and RedHat/CentOS are the first distros to get support. Steam is one example. LTSP is another project that you're going to get way better developer support on if you're running Ubuntu. A counter example is VoIP software, including FreeSwitch and a bazillion Asterisk distros, which tend to be much better documented on CentOS.

Comment Re:I died and was brought back to life (Score 4, Informative) 351

This time, my heart just plain stopped. I was dead.

Possible, but quite unlikely. If the EMS dudes shocked you back to life as you say, then you were likely experiencing ventricular fibrillation. Had your heart fully stopped, there would have been no shock, as defibrillation is not indicated for asystole.

Comment Re:Hmmm .... (Score 1) 351

which of the following two statements is more likely to be true?

  • Random brain activity causes brain to experience many strange things in unpredictable ways
  • God talked to you

Why does it have to be one or the other? Do you think that if God talked to you, there would be no evidence of it to be found in your brain?

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