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Comment Re: FUD (Score 1) 357

I will let you do the google, but Round Up and similar crops have led to a massive increase in resistant weeds and insects. While we engineered the crops to resist these fun chemicals, we forgot the lessons Anti-biotics have been teaching us and now are over spraying on an unprecedented scale. So, while the GM crops themselves may not be harmful, there are serious concerns about large scale glyphosate exposure and insecticide exposure. Additionally, we have found GM crops growing in the wild that should not be there. Why are they there, how did they get there, what effect will they have on the eco system? Then you also have to deal with the fact that the discovery of these can lead to farmers losing their Organic certification. Oh, and Monsanto, that saint of a company, has sued farmers.

Comment Re:Welcome to the Corpocracy (Score 1) 192

This is a cross party thing. Oddly it is more in line with Republican/Big Money politics than Democrat. I know in a lot of ways the President was a Trojan horse, but I never expected a full sell out. Some things like the NSA and Guantanamo I knew would not change, still given the alternatives, you work with what you have.

Comment Re:Cars (Score 1) 496

I've lived all over the Eastern seaboard, and as far west as Colorado. Additionally I've spent a great deal of time in CA (High Desert), far Upstate NY, and central FL. Overseas I lived in Bavaria (near Munich) back in the 80's, but I was still in school then. Of all the moves this was probably the most disruptive. Now, I grant most of what you said is true, a lot follows us from place to place. Credit, bills, anything associated with the Federal Government, and anything at all associated with a County trying to tax bill. On the other hand, our health insurance changed because that is licensed state by state. Drivers licenses had to be changed, re-register to vote, and the cars had to be re-titled and registered with new state highway use and county personal property taxes paid (around $400 total per vehicle). State taxes will have be filed with both states this year, no real change on federal, but the move is deductible. The big shock is the rural culture and the poverty. Parts of this town look 3rd world, and honestly the parts of Belize and Panama I've been to looked better off, although the populace here is probably better armed. But yes, had I moved to say Charlotte, Raleigh, or even Ashville in this state it would have been far less of a cultural shift.

Comment Re:Cars (Score 1) 496

I recently had the misfortune (Job offer) to move from suburban DC to South Eastern NC. I may as well have moved to a foreign country. Sure the language is similar and the currency is the same. Otherwise the culture is completely foreign. It does not stop at culture either, although that does appear to play a part in many of the differences. Many things I took for granted are simply no longer available, more expensive, or simply not possible. That was a move of only 315mi. Now if I kept going south, say to FL, I know several locations there that are actually closer to Northern VA then here.

Comment Re:State doing the CYA thing (Score 2) 261

Exactly! I just went through that blasted classification training. If a is not classified and b is not classified than a document comprised of a+b is not classified, except in cases when it is. The rules are a mess, every single thing requires checking a fact sheet to see if something suddenly changed status. I could care less about Hillary, she had a private server, shouldn't have. But as for the emails, and the millions we have spent wasting our time, it is stupid. We have a Ruplican shouting classified information from the window of the clown car.

Comment Re:SIgh (Score 1) 490

Ever been to Appalachia? Southern VA, WV, TN, KY, or had the misfortune to visit the deep South? We have rampant poverty, dirt floors, lack of education, no electricity, or even indoor plumbing here in the US. To make it worse, these unfortunate people continue to fall deeper into poverty and have no hope to escape it as these areas are largely ignored by the rest of the country. At best we think of them in a fashion similar to the Beverly Hillbillies. The fun part is that they have become more and more militant, they are well armed, and deeply religious. So, to paraphrase, they have no jobs, no money, no hope to better their lot, limited education, an unshakable belief in an afterlife far better then how they live now, and they are well armed.

Comment Re:Anyone else think she could be a plant? (Score 1) 210

Yahoo has a lot of traffic, and a lot of users still out there. I know a few who read the news, and use yahoo finance. I can't stand it, the way they mix the ads in with the headlines drives me up a wall. I would love to see them find their way though. I wonder how that yahoo deal is working out for Firefox though.

Comment Re:Endangered species (Score 2) 214

Not sure you've been to the same Alaska I was in. It wasn't igloos, it was an impoverished dirt village that didn't even have reliable running water. They didn't hunt whales there, but they also didn't a Walmart or other grocery store within 100mi. What food did come in from outside was priced out of reach for most people. Try $14 for a 12pack of Pepsi, if Pepsi was in stock, if it wasn't winter because it would explode in the can.

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