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Peter Thiel Is Interested In Harvesting The Blood Of The Young ( 373

Presto Vivace writes: [Gawker reports:] "Peter Thiel, the tech billionaire-turned-Trump delegate who successfully bankrupted Gawker Media, has long been obsessed with anti-aging technologies. He believes people have been conned by 'the ideology of the inevitability of the death of every individual,' and has funded startups dedicated to extending the human lifespan. According to Jeff Bercovici of Inc. magazine, Thiel is so afraid of dying that he has begun exploring a novel, and fairly unsettling, technique: Harvesting, and injecting himself with, the blood of younger people." Vampire capitalism is real. In an unpublished interview with Bercovici last year, Thiel said: "I'm looking into parabiosis stuff [...] where they [infected] the young blood into older mice and they found that had a massive rejuvenating effect. [...] I think there are a lot of these things that have been strangely under-explored." When asked if he meant parabiosis was "really interesting" as a business opportunity or a personal-health treatment, Thiel suggested the latter: "That would be one where it's more just, do we think the science works? Some of these it's not clear there's actually a great company to start around it. [...]"

Comment Re:Those Damn Blue LEDs (Score 1) 230

Beyond the possible blue light = day light issues, it's just true that red light doesn't destroy your night vision. We made sure to get a nightlight that can be set to red for the hallway to my daughter's room, and keep a headlamp that has a red light in her room for if we have to find something while she's asleep. The default on the nightlight is green, I think, so I've had to stand there and get my nightvision back when I've turned it on post power-outage in the middle of the night.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1, Informative) 499

BS. I'm a female engineer and I frequently joke that female engineer is a different gender than just female. I'm an engineer and a geek first, most definitely, and I would say that's true of a great number of female engineers I know. I hate shopping, except for books or games, I hate gossiping and small talk. I'm an INTJ, if you're into Meyers Briggs. I have never been given any opportunity to negotiate on salary. I do my performance review and I get a little slip of paper with my raise.

Comment Not yet, but worried (Score 1) 561

I've 39 right now, and I've been lucky enough to work at one company since college. Like a lot of people, I worry about my job, especially since I work at a defense contractor. I've had friends who were laid off and had a bear of a time finding a job, and I worry that in the next couple of years that will be me. Now, at my actual workplace, I haven't seen much of it; I work on a program that has been in active development since at least 1992, so I think we really value the guys who have been at it since the beginning. Of course, right now we don't have a ton of new hires, since they've tended to be the people who have set sail for more stable ground vs the ones with houses, families and inertia.

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