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Comment Be "homeless".. (Score 1) 523

Why go all the way to malaysia? Just be homeless. And by that I mean, live out of your old VW bus or other cheap old van. These days there's plenty of free WiFi where you can work. Sleep in your car. Eat inexpensively. Or if you need actual shelter, a small industrial unit can be had for mere hundreds per month, way cheaper than an apartment. I did both, for a while. It can actually be kinda fun if you do it right. Work in the day, hang out at coffee shops in the evening. If you have a dating partner you can even crash somewhere nice a few days a week.. Never did I consider going to malaysia.

Comment Really? (Score 2, Insightful) 815

What a bunch of immature highschool kids. Stallman is a douchebag. And now Miguel uses a Mac? Man, RMS must be having a total mental breakdown now. WTF people?

Its really simple. You can f around with linux endlessly or you can get tired of it and move on to something more interesting. Obviously, Miguel is getting older and just doesn't want to f around with linux anymore. The Mac (for now) just gets things done. Thats not to say that nobody should f around with linux, obviously we need those people to do that, and eventually they'll get it more and more solid. Bless their little hearts. But in the mean time, other people want to f around with other things and not have to constantly be f'ing with linux.

Its like cars (or motorcycles)...

When your younger, you don't mind the beater car that you have to repair all the time. You dream of the day when its perfectly restored, but you never get there. One day you just realize, you have other things you want to do, so you buy a new car that just works. If you're lucky you can now afford one because you stopped f'ing with linux and started f'ing with something else that you can make a good living at. And if you're really lucky, you pick up some pile of junk to work on solely as a hobby and without the stress of wondering if the f'ing thing is going to get you to work on time.

Comment Conspiracy.. (Score 2) 256

Its an evil Obama plot to take away our cell phones.. no, I mean, its an Obamanation conspiracy to give away cell phones to lazy welfare bums.. ah.. no.. it must be a liberal democrat plan to make Obama the first dictator of America by screwing the kind hearted telecom companies and making us all love him with our free unlocked cell phones and thus we'll abolish the 2 term limit and all become muslims and be overly healthy with our free health care and and and..

Comment Re:Shotgun approach (Score 1) 123

Sorry, WebOS, thats what I meant to say. Not sure if its true or not but supposedly LG was/is going to buy WebOS. Lets not also forget Ubuntu Mobile.

With web based mobile apps getting better and better, the idea of more phone os types that just support web apps starts to become more likely. Microsoft is in trouble in mobile land.


Submission + - Renewable energy now cheaper option than new fossil fuels in Australia (

cylonlover writes: In 2008, the Garnaut Climate Change Review ranked Australia as the highest per capita emitter of greenhouse gases of any OECD country and amongst the highest in the world. One of the reasons for the country's high carbon footprint is its reliance on coal for electricity generation – 54 percent of it, according to the Australian Coal Association. But a new study by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) points to a cleaner energy future with the claim that unsubsidized renewable energy is now a cheaper option for electricity generation than new coal- or gas-fired power stations.

Comment Re:Team up with someone else (Score 1) 257

I don't know (personally) any programmer (engineer, designer, or most any creative type) that doesn't have a long list of ideas that could make money. Problem is not in the idea but in finding the time to do it, or the investment $, or whatever.

I have to second the idea of business partner. Somebody who's not a programmer but can maybe spot a need in some area you might never think of. Its hard to find the right chemistry though, the right balance between the business side and the creative side. It has worked for me in the past (but the economy killed the project), and I am in the process of another side project now. But its time permitting, in my case.

I would say these days, except in rare cases, you're not going to make money on an app, or any piece of software. Its like being a rock star -- most don't make it! But if you work at it, you can make a living. There's plenty of studio musicians you've never heard of. There's plenty to be made in services, whether you have something unique or you just provide great, reliable service. Don't think too big, you may not make it as a rock star..

Comment Nothing new.. (Score 1) 530

I've known IQ tests are BS ever since I did a report on IQ testing in 5th grade. I wrote that being compared to the results gotten from some french kids nearly 80 something years ago was not a good way to show intelligence. Needless to say the teacher did not agree.

FWIW I've always consistently scored around 167 on any IQ test, from the standardized ones to newer more abstract ones. Which means only that I'm good at taking these tests, relative to whatever baseline was used to score by. Its a nice ego boost. But I know people who score lower and who are clearly (IMHO) smarter than me.

IQ tests are about as accurate as trying to make a test for how much you love somebody, and despite my wife's best efforts to that effect, it doesn't work either. :)

Comment Re:Hmmmm? (Score 2, Funny) 69

You're an idiot.

The reason all the dinosaurs are embedded in layers of sediment is because of the great flood (you know, the one that noah saved all the animals from by putting them on the ark) which killed all the dinos and then layered them in dirt and mud kicked up by the flood. This didnt happen slowly over millions of years but in 40 days during the rains and flooding.

And don't give me carbon dating or any other dating method because they vary so much from each other that they prove the world is only 5000 years old.

And don't tell me about single specimins of trees that reproduce by self cloning that are over 5000 years old. I'm not listening LALALALALALA....

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