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Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 80

As requested: it is not exactly as you understood, although also no the way, summary tells. He says that there MAY be cases, which can be categorised as non freely available, but IF those get identified, there will be a clear and highly precise catalogue of those cases... Well, it doesn't change things much (backdoor is there) but the wording is more palatable (as expected from an experienced liar^H^H^H^Hpolitician)

Comment Cool guy... (Score 1) 831

... with cool name. I like it. Although it seems to be the only thing he's got there. Sure he didn't notice that every Macbook can boot _natively_ into any GNU/Linux, Windows, whatever runs on x86 hardware. Sure he didn't notice that on Linux there are .deb based package managers, .rpm based ones or build from sources options. Surely he didn't notice that there are binaries distributed in Fink, which is exactly apt/dpkg/.deb based. Surely he didn't notice that _web_ development as opposed to e. g. native application development is _usually_ abstracted so far from the guts of the OS that it doesn't really matter what kernel/filesystem/scheduler it is being developed on. Etc., and so on.. but who cares when it is much easier to put up a set of misleading half-truths than do the research and educate oneself?

Comment Re:BCC still existed? (Score 1) 366

As is this modded as "Informative" :-( No - it works as described by "KingSkippus" and it happens all too often. The reason I stopped using BCC was exactly a situation like the one described above.

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