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Submission + - Multiformat Listening Test at 64kbps

Anonymous writes: The Hydrogenaudio community is conducting a "Public, Multiformat Listening Test" ( to see which codecs (AAC, WMA Pro and Vorbis) provide the best sound quality when compressing samples at 64kbps.

This test is open until the 5th of August and seems to be much, much harder than what one would expect, even for experienced developers of sound codecs, at bitrates that the public would find "too little", as the comments on the thread at the discussion forums (see: topic=56397).

Do you think that you have good ears? That 64kbps is "too little"? Then try it for yourself and participate. Your participation will help us improve the codecs so that they are even closer to being "transparent" at such "low" bitrates.

Proposed IPv6 Cutover By 2011-01-01 398

IO ERROR writes "An internet-draft published this month calls for an IPv6 transition plan which would require all Internet-facing servers to have IPv6 connectivity on or before January 1, 2011. 'Engineer and author John Curran proposes that migration to IPv6 happen in three stages. The first stage, which would happen between now and the end of 2008, would be a preparatory stage in which organizations would start to run IPv6 servers, though these servers would not be considered by outside parties as production servers. The second stage, which would take place in 2009 and 2010, would require organizations to offer IPv6 for Internet-facing servers, which could be used as production servers by outside parties. Finally, in the third stage, starting in 2011, IPv6 must be in use by public-facing servers.' Then IPv4 can go away."

Comment Re:MySQL short on features (Score 1) 390

I've always thought the IP data types were a bit frivolous but the one thing that always gets me is that in MySQL you cannot have a table with two timestamp fields with both default to now() (or equivalent). Oh and timestamptz from PostgreSQL ... life saver. Oh and an example of a table w/ two timestamps that need a value of now(): I usually have two fields labelled creation and last_update on tables that require them. Aids in debugging and can be useful info to provide to users. I typically have them both set to now() and use a trigger to alter last_udpate just before updates. Doesn't work in MySQL though. Don't even get me started on the lack of timestamptz.

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