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Comment Re:Seriously?? (Score 4, Insightful) 224

Yeah, just like all the spying and such that went on between the US and Soviet Union - everytime someone was caught it ended up in a new world war.

Oh wait no it didn't. Just because the tools changed doesn't mean much else has. This sort of thing has gone on as long as nations have existed (if not longer), and will go on. If any of this is new or exciting for you, you need to get out more.

Enemy nations spy on each other. Friendly nations spy on each other. It's what nations do. It's not a "ZOMG this proves (nation I hate) is evil!" material.

Comment Re:Oh, that's bullshit. There's plenty of choices (Score 1) 188

Where'd you read that? Your comment is the first I've seen about this - and trust me I'm VERY interested in this and would love for it to be true. Considering the amount of time and effort Moz puts into their Android port, and how Dolphin even supports the Playbook, I somewhat doubt what you say but please prove me wrong.

Note I last looked for this info a week ago and couldn't find anything.

Comment Re:Where's the one on Apple? (Score 1) 375

didn't mean it how you took it - but I see how what I wrote wasn't very clear. Point taken :)

Your absolutely correct I remember trying Opera Mini on I think even my Moto RAZR back in the day - I actually really like what Mini does (but haven't used it in years) All I ment was the reason Mini is allowed is because it uses a completely different technology style - one that doesn't download or execute external code using Apples words.

Comment Re:Where's the one on Apple? (Score 3, Insightful) 375

Your definition and mine of what a browser is are COMPLETELY different obviously. Sorry but if I write a front end and use some existing "library" as the rendering engine (AKA, the hard work / key part that makes the browser a browser and not a video game or a spreadsheet), and call myself a browser developer, that's kinda sad IMO. UI Developer? Sure! Absolutely. Browser? Nope.

Even if I say your right about your definition (which I don't think is correct), Apple is still restricting and locking out other parties from using their own browser technology. You have to use THEIRS.

So I guess your admiting that Apple restricts browsers, since you have to qualify your statement with "(and use built-in WebKit libraries)." Your iOS Rage not withstanding.

Comment Re:Where's the one on Apple? (Score 1) 375

"I do not think that word means what you think it means"

Yes, I think your correct. However my point still stands in my view. Apple does explicitly prevent 3rd party browser engines on their devices. Saying that browser X is unique because it has a different front end is like saying that my Ford is just like that Ferrari cuz it's red and has windows. It's a completely different car/browser.

I'm reminded of doing help desk and someone says their computer won't work, and it's because their monitor is dead. "Oh that box down there? that's where the power goes in! is it important?"

Comment Re:Where's the one on Apple? (Score 4, Insightful) 375

particular browser? show me a browser that doesn't require Safari, and does rendering on device (you know, a real browser, unlike Opera Mini). Link to the Apple store please.

Show me one. Even one would be enough. I originally wrote a car analogy, but perhaps the words from an actual developer at Mozilla might help:

"I am a developer on the mobile Firefox team at Mozilla.

We currently have an iPhone App called Firefox Home, which lets you sync your Firefox tabs, history and bookmarks to your iOS device. You can get it from the app store, or read more here:

We have no plans to release the full Firefox browser for Apple iOS devices. The current iOS SDK agreement forbids apps like Firefox that include their own compilers and interpreters:

“3.3.2 An Application may not download or install executable code. Interpreted code may only be used in an Application if all scripts, code and interpreters are packaged in the Application and not downloaded. The only exception to the foregoing is scripts and code downloaded and run by Apple’s built-in WebKit framework.”

Other browsers for iOS use the built-in WebKit libraries (like Skyfire) or do not execute any JavaScript on the device itself (like Opera Mini, which uses a proxy server). But unless Apple removes these restrictions, full browsers like Firefox are not allowed on iOS."

this is back in 2010, did something change? If so, show me the updated information.

Comment Re:Where's the one on Apple? (Score 4, Interesting) 375

ok. if other browsers are allowed then please recompile (or ask someone else to) Mozilla Firefox for iOS and submit to Apple for submission. What do you anticipate happening?

Either browsers are allowed and Mozilla can launch Firefox for iOS, or browsers are not allowed and they can't. Letting me skin a browser isn't an alternative web browser. That would be like saying IE6 didn't rule the interwebs back in the day because you could install 3rd party varients of it!

And the answer "I don't want Firefox" isn't a valid answer. We're not talking what you want to do, we're talking what you CAN do. Installing a non Safari based browser is not allowed (note Opera is the Mini version and gets around it by offloading the rendering to the cloud)

Sorry but I'm really tired of this "BUT THEY DO ALLOW IT!" comments I keep seeing on here. Show me Mozilla Firefox or Chrome or IE or something that doesn't need Safari on the phone AND does it's rendering on the phone and I'll believe it. Until then.. wrong. Apple will deny the app.

Comment Re:What about Acrobat? (Score 2) 155

You can put Videos inside a PDF document now?!?! Please tell me your kidding.

That's like when I get those annoying "joke" emails that are in Powerpoint with loud music and walls of text. Or an Inventory system that uses a workbook in Excel.

If I was the Hulk, this is the kind of stuff that would turn me green.

Comment Re:Forget this garbage (Score 1) 323

Er... maybe when your in Google Docs you can.. uh only work with Google Docs?

"Naturally, Google's flexing its search muscles in as many ways as possible; if you scan in a newspaper clipping, a simple Search All within Drive will allow results to appear directly from said clipping. If you upload a shot of the Eiffel Tower, it'll show up whenever you search for the aforesaid icon. Moreover, Drive will allow folks to open over 30 types of documents directly from a web browser, including HD video, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and more -- "even without the software installed on your computer." For those concerned about access, the new platform will have the same infrastructure as any other Google Apps services, giving admins a familiar set of management tools on that end."

I wouldn't say it's a DropBox killer or anything, Google needs to do a few changes for that to be true, but saying it only works with Docs or you require an Apps account I can't seem to find any basis for. After you enabled it in your Apps admin account, did you go back to or just to

Comment Re:Forget this garbage (Score 2) 323

Actually that's all pretty much wrong.. it supports a lot more then Google Docs formated files - in fact even shows thumbnails apparently of a lot of standard file types when browsing. Integration seems to be it's sweet spot.

Don't need an Apps account - works fine on regular users (although it seems to be a phased rollout - it told me that my (Canadian) account will be enabled soon.

Comment Re:Nothing, if Microsoft is smart. (Score 4, Informative) 129

Don't remember telling you if you should care or not. Question was asked and I provided the answer. If that offended your fanboyism I apologize.

But while on the topic - We all know how well only having one Web browser (IE6) worked out for everyone. And if you're providing anecdotes - Safari runs like crap on Windows.

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