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Comment Re:Back to Front (Score 1) 310

People carry on to avoid $25 checked bag fees. $2 wouldn't stop them. I fly for my company a lot, I always check my bag - even if it would fit in the overhead compartment. They force me to have a corporate AMEX card for traveling, but won't pay the $100 annual fee for the Delta AMEX that would let me do it for "free" because some executive can't stomach that I'd get airline miles for business purposes, so, instead, I make them pay $50 per trip and they end up losing money.

Comment Re:Used slackware for 8+ years...and then Mint (Score 2) 215

And? My development over the years has gone from IRIX to Mac to Linux to Windows. The graphics software I use is Windows only, but I write web services for data integration - they run on Linux, but my local development environment runs under WSL so that I don't need to be connected to work in order to work on it - it's fully functional and recently, while on a remote operation, I just ran my web services from it so that I could continue working in Windows. I had zero problems and was very impressed. I had the Linux partition all up to date with my latest code just in case, but didn't need it. I've been a big MS detractor since before most slashdotters were born (I was in college during the DRDOS escapades), but when something works, it works.

Comment Re:Why do companies insist on expensive cities? (Score 1) 370

That may be true, but it was already expensive before Google, before Facebook, before a lot of the tech companies who still want to open their offices there because that's where the action is - only being a little bit farther away still keeps you near the action and lowers costs dramatically. Several of these companies recently opened NEW campuses in those expensive areas - it makes little sense.

Comment Why do companies insist on expensive cities? (Score 0) 370

If your a direct consumer related business, like a branch of a bank, or even a sport stadium, I get why you want your location to be "in the thick of it," but why do tech companies insist on building their work places in super expensive cities? How much money could these companies save by building in a nearby suburb where their employees could actually afford to live?

Comment Re:300 Billion (Score 1) 524

I've been noticing the uptick (or avalanche) of misleading stats in articles. Cuts aside, why did the article need to mention $300M (sic, it's billions, of course) in weather related damage last year? Without context, it's absolutely pointless except to spur an emotional response from the reader. That leads me to the conclusion that we're having a "discussion" based on an article written by someone with an obvious agenda, and that leads me to the conclusion we're just having another pointless us vs. them argument.

Even if that's a record (it is, actually, but you don't get that from the article, so there's no perspective), it's pointless for the discussion, weather trends up and down; the previous record was from 2005 (Katrina), but where's the link that reducing or adding forecasters (and we don't even know that, it's just "staff reductions") will impact how much a disaster will cost? Certainly preparedness is important - but do really think they would skimp on a major event, as opposed to the daily "it's raining in Seattle" type stuff?

Comment Official now! (Score 1) 3

My name and call sign appeared in the FCC database last night, which means I can now transmit.

On the one hand, I'm looking forward to getting involved in the hobby. On the other, I have no idea what I'm going to talk about. :D

I've requested a "vanity call" for several reasons. I want to see if i can get my great-uncle's call, as a nod to him. If I can't have that, I have a few others in mind that are a bit easier to deal with as I learn CW.

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