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Comment For a developer position: (Score 1) 569

How often do you back up everything and where are the backup servers?
What percentage of the time will i be spending on fixing bugs in legacy code?
Will I be consulted before software/hardware architecture changes?

No backups = don't take the job
No legacy code = ask why they aren't considering integration with something that already exists as open-source (if, as often, it's the case)
Definitely be consulted before major decisions = bullshit / bulljob (they're either lying or you'll be doing a lot more than just software development)

Comment Re:Latency (Score 1) 125

Of course if they put servers in close ping proximity to every user, this can work. But that means a lot of servers, spread all around the world, which they need to set up and maintain.

That's just it... They don't need to have many servers, just a few connected to ISPs with low latency, because this way they already have low-latency access to the whole country. Those "a lot" of servers already exist in some places and they're already maintained by some ISPs. All they needed to figure out was how to get low latency between their own servers. I agree, it's still speculation, but the risk of hardware failure is very low so if their software is good enough, this might actually lead to a gaming revolution.

Comment Re:Latency (Score 3, Interesting) 125

Latency isn't a problem for my country. There are two major ISPs and one is dedicated in high bandwidth while the other in low latency. They're so cheap that just for on-line gaming and for on-line streaming at once, I would gladly subscribe to both (I don't play a lot of games so it's not my case, but I have some friends who are subscribed to both). This is a killer for your whole post, since the 50-100ms is considered "a lot" if you're subscribed to one of the ISPs and it's probably the fault of your own hardware. You get ping replies like 15-25ms between any of their subscribers. They move quick enough for a whole on-line gaming industry as described in the article so they may not be able to couple the whole world, but they can do it country-by-country where it's possible and in many countries it is possible., believe me.

Comment This is not Skynet (Score 1) 174

It will go away on its own some day. We got rid of most Windows 3.11 computers, we'll get rid of most Windows XP computers, etc. It will run out of food soon and a bot-net that can't adapt its self (lucky us, huh?) to other operating systems will go away. We still have Blaster and some of its friends, but maybe the people that do deserve it, because 100% backwards compatibility is a PITA for software engineers. Maybe we should leave Conflicker where it is for the sake of software evolution.

Comment Re:Not practical. (Score 1) 157

Actually, here's a good idea: put it in a greylist and let it hit once and see what the user chooses: whitelist or blacklist. And we're back at square one. GP should be modded Insightful because a lost email may be the perfect business opportunity, therefore not all spam must be blocked.

Comment Re:It's so very odd..... (Score 1) 1376

Complete freedom of speech = chaos
Everyone will say what they want, how squeaky they want, how loud they want, everyone will listen to whatever they want at what volume they want. We'd go deaf! Seriously, I know enough people who would suffocate the world with their "free speech" and who should be put in a sanitarium!

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