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Submission + - Neutrinos -- and once again, symmetry is restored!

perturbed1 writes: A Fermilab press release today announced that MiniBooNE's latest results rule out the simple neutrino oscillation interpretation of the LSND experiment. Neutrinos have a tiny amount of mass, required by their oscillations, as observed in solar, atmospheric and reactor neutrino experiments. Combining these results with the LSND experiment's results required the presence of a *fourth* but "sterile" neutrino, breaking the 3-fold symmetry of particle families in the standard model! Symmetry in the particle kingdom has once again been restored. Standard model lives on!

Submission + - Microsoft admits benefitting from Windows piracy

Clever7Devil writes: "An article from Information Week here covers an interesting speech given by Microsoft Business Group President Jeff Raikes:

From the article:

"If they're going to pirate somebody, we want it to be us rather than somebody else," Raikes said. ...
"We understand that in the long run the fundamental asset is the installed base of people who are using our products," Raikes said. "What you hope to do over time is convert them to licensing the software."

Not that we haven't known this all along, but it's nice to hear it from the horse's mouth."

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