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Comment Re:So, overdone and unnecessary vampires. (Score 1) 44

The best part was where he said "The old studios just aren't making many movies and are following formulas more than ever" without any trace of irony. I used to think that the "doublethink" part of 1984 (thought marked by the acceptance of gross contradictions and falsehoods) was a dumb and unrealistic part of an otherwise chilling novel. I feel like Orwell outsmarted me now.

Comment Re:blowback (Score 1) 203

Note that this is a real-live world leader who said this. What would the reaction be if Obama said the same? That the return of the Messiah is imminent and will bring about the End of the World?

And for comedy:

Again, a genuine world leader saying this sort of thing. Yeah, I'm totally comfortable with this sort of nation having nuclear weapons! derp derp BUT BU$HITLER!!@#!@#$#$%@$!

Comment Re:blowback (Score 0) 203

I don't know if anyone noticed, but the Iranians had a revolution in 1979. A revolution supported by the US government. You remember when Carter abandoned the Shah? And a revolutionary Islamic government took over? And massacred Iranian liberals JUST LIKE YOU? Or do we have selective memory now?

Comment Re:All biological systems... (Score 1) 40

Assuming that you're american, how would you react if you published a scientific paper after making a great breakthrough, and people started asking why you killed all those people in Afghanistan and Iraq, and why you tortured them without due process at Guantanamo Bay?

What world do you live in? This happens all the time.

Comment Re:Social Contract (Score 1) 279

You see, that's bullshit. Joe McCarthy was crucified for saying that there were Communists in the State Department - people who wanted to overthrow the US government in the same way that this guy does. Treasonous fuckwits. And yet to this day it's considered a fable, even after Soviet archives proved it. So if they get a pass, so does this guy.

Comment Re:It is a broken system (Score 1) 1145

Your entire thing seems to be that you can't easily convert between units. Speaking as an American who has lived in metric countries for the last decade, that's bullshit. Nobody ever needs to know how much a liter of water weighs. Nobody ever converts dekameters to hectometers. You just stick with one unit, the one that's suitable for whatever you're measuring.

"When you say "pound" do you mean force or mass?"
Fucking hell, when is the last time anyone needed to actually use this? "In the lab the other day" yeah right we're not talking about edge cases.

Moreover, if you're a drinking man like me, the metric system is a ripoff. A bottle is 12 fluid ounces and that's all there is to it. 355ml. With the metric system, at best you get 350ml, and it's really easy to slide down to 325ml, 275ml, and so on.

Comment Re:Will you stop all that whining? (Score 2) 74

Please stop perpetrating the false "nerds/jocks" dichotomy. It's bullshit. Just because people like me don't want to be videoed all through my day by some gadget-obsessed moron who desperately, desperately wants to call himself a "cyborg" doesn't mean we were athletes in high school. Fuck off and stop saying this.

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