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Comment Re:The text in a readable format (Score 0) 434

which Comcast was complaining about with Level (3). The reality is that the ratio argument is bogus

The argument is bogus because Comcast is not a transit provider, they provide service to end users. 1:1 peering agreements are for when you transit between backbone providers. Without TATA and L3 Comcast has nothing to provide its customers.

Data from L3 does not pass through Comcast's network then head out to TATAs links for someone else, it goes to direct Comcast customers. When they transit traffic between TATA and L3, then they can try to charge for that traffic.

If anything, Comcast should be paying L3 a considerable sum.

Think of it like this:
L3 = Samsung
TATA = Apple
Comcast = Walmart
Customers = Customers

What Comcast is saying is that:
Not only should Customers pay for goods at Walmart, but also Samsung should pay for the privilege of selling those goods at Walmart.

Lets say it again, Comcast != Transit provider, Comcast == ISP. They just buy bandwidth from transit providers and sell it to end users. What they want to do is sell everyone the same 'bandwidth' multiple times.

Comment Re:Not really... (Score 1) 158

if it is only in the "cloud" the price should be around $150 or so.

If its 'only in the cloud' and/or 'always going to force advertisements at me' then they should be paying you to use it, not you paying them for the privilege.

Comment Re:Can't make a call from inside (Score 1) 337

Because refueling satellites because they burn energy trying to talk to people in a building is so expensive its not worth mentioning, you'd just launch a new sat and it'd be far too often.

The power increase would be considerable due to the frequencies involved behaving more like light than what other parts of the frequency spectrum do.

That also goes the other way on the ground, the phone would need considerably more power, making its battery life craptastic.

Comment Re:That was the smartest move I've seen in a while (Score 0) 201

Just because its a bunch of kids doesn't mean no one will try to stop them, it just means their more likely to take the parents down for being douchebags who let their kids do stupid shit like they do.

Being young isn't an excuse for trying to be a bully.

Little pussies who hide behind computer courage given to them by their monitors don't impress anyone. Hell 99.999999% of them only have any involvement because they could download an app someone else write to do the work for them.

Someone needs to just start beating some 14 year old asses, I don't care who does it.

Comment Re:On that note (Score 1) 450

Signing your name != actually doing anything.

Giving away 'half' your money, when you could give away 99% of it and still not change your lifestyle or ability to make more money != impressive.

The guys signing this 'pledge' are people that are disliked by most of the educated public because their actions historically show that they are nothing more than greedy fucks who will do anything they can to make money. This is simple a PR stunt they get together on and pretend their doing something special for the world.

Comment Re:This Is Different, the Chinese Stealed Our Net! (Score 1) 92

Businesses, unlike geeks in moms' basement do things when there is an economic reason to do so, not just 'because we have to one day'.

Theres really no major reason to run head first into the transition, we've been 'running out of addresses this year' for 15 years.

I suspect we'll have flying cars before we stop using IPv4.

Yes, its going to happen eventually, but no, the Internet won't cease to function next week because we ran out of addresses, regardless of how many times someone writes a newspaper or press release about the impending doom.

Comment Re:This Is Different, the Chinese Stealed Our Net! (Score 1) 92

Except that routers really only care about 1 field, the destination address. They SHOULD care about other fields so that thins like DONT_FRAGMENT gets honored, but thats not really going to kill you if you have other ways to ensure packets don't get broken after they've reached the next hop.

So you've effectively made the only field they care about much larger, even taking into account half of it can be/is just the mac address which actually makes things easier.

Firewalls care about the fields in the packet, hosts care, routers don't give a shit unless they are acting as as firewall or some other device being 'more' than a router.

Comment Maybe no one actually cares anymore (Score -1, Troll) 191

It is entirely possible that most people don't give a flying fuck and censorship has nothing to do with it.

When Wikileaks releases something that actually is newsworthy rather than rather than being the worlds drama queen, then people might care, but so far all we have is wikileaks telling us their going to change the world with their NEXT release ... after every dribbling bits of 'leaks' the let slip out.

It also might help if they started to release things that were pretty much verbatim copies of what you can get via a Freedom of Information Act request.

The only people who care about Wikileaks are irrational people who want to rage against the machine and 'change the world'. Hell, even the majority of people that work with wikileaks think Assange is turning it into something of an utterly retarded step child

After you cry wolf several times, people stop giving a shit.

Comment Re:Response of a Real American(TM) (Score 0) 107

, it would be because of something completely unrelated to the activity of people.

Yea, if you ignore all the other evidence, you're totally right, its entirely the fault of humans ... even though its happened many times in the past ... before humans existed in any number capable of having an effect.

Comment Re:Raw data, or "adjusted"? (Score 0) 107

Yea, we should just ignore the evidence that suggests the warming would occur even if humans never existed, like every other cycle in the past where this exact same thing has happened.

The people claiming conspiracy should be ignored, as well as the idiots who think humans are the cause when this cycle has happened many times before humans existed.

Its all humans fault ... when you ignore the majority of the data thats been gathered and just look at what humans have done and the temperature and completely ignore all the other influences.

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