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Facebook Master Password Was "Chuck Norris" 319

I Don't Believe in Imaginary Property writes "A Facebook employee has given a tell-all interview with some very interesting things about Facebook's internals. Especially interesting are all the things relating to Facebook privacy. Basically, you don't have any. Nearly everything you've ever done on the site is recorded into a database. While they fire employees for snooping, more than a few have done it. There's an internal system to let them log into anyone's profile, though they have to be able to defend their reason for doing so. And they used to have a master password that could log into any Facebook profile: 'Chuck Norris.' Bruce Schneier might be jealous of that one."
Data Storage

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: What happen to my 2006 cat pictures?

dakkon1024 writes: I can’t imagine I’m the only one that has these issues. User A deletes a massive amount of data that people don’t frequently check. User B notices 3 years later. While yearly or even quarterly archiving is implemented for these users it still seems to be a problem. I’m curious how other people deal with this? What solutions if any have people found? Lastly I believe as storage gets cheaper and larger “archive everything (every change, update, deleted file, etc)” solutions will become available, but what to do till then?

Submission + - Has Google Backed down? (sina.com) 1

hackingbear writes: When I tested search for "June 4" a few hours after Google's China announcement, the results are uncensored showing real information of the event. Today, the exact same query shows censored results with only government approved comments about the events and the same old footnote "some results are hidden in accordance with local laws". According to news reports, Google are negotiating with the government which so far has not taken any real action but just done some lip services on the matter. (I have not been able to find non-Chinese-language news article mentioning the negotiation; the above links are oversea/Hong Kong news sources. The web sites of your favorite news source only mention the investigation of Google China staff. Why?) It could be just Google's negotiation tactic, but it also casts a doubt on their stance and motive.

Submission + - The $1000 iPhone App is Back (techcrunch.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Remember the $1000 I Am RIch app which Apple banned from the iTunes store? Well, there's a new $1000 app. This time the target customer isn't the ridiculously rich, but would-be lawyers, reports TechCrunch. The BarMax CA app prepares law school graduates for the California bar exam. Is it OK if it's the lawyers being fleeced?
Input Devices

Brain-Control Gaming Headset Launching Dec. 21 112

An anonymous reader writes "Controlling computers with our minds may sound like science fiction, but one Australian company claims to be able to let you do just that. The Emotiv device has been garnering attention at trade shows and conferences for several years, and now the company says it is set to launch the Emotiv EPOC headset on December 21. PC Authority spoke to co-founder Nam Do about the Emotiv technology and its potential as a mainstream gaming interface." One wonders what kind of adoption they expect with a $299 price tag.
First Person Shooters (Games)

Infinity Ward Fights Against Modern Warfare 2 Cheaters 203

Faithbleed writes "IW's Robert Bowling reports on his twitter account that Infinity Ward is giving 2,500 Modern Warfare 2 cheaters the boot. The news comes as the war between IW and MW2's fans rages over the decision to go with IWnet hosting instead of dedicated servers. Unhappy players were quick to come up with hacks that would allow their own servers and various other changes." Despite the dedicated-server complaints, Modern Warfare 2 has sold ridiculously well.

Modern Warfare 2 Not Recalled In Russia After All 94

thief21 writes "After claims that console versions Modern Warfare 2 had been recalled in Russia due to complaints from politicians and the gaming public over the infamous airport slaughter scene, it turns out the stories were completely untrue. Activision never released a console version of the game in Russia." Instead, they simply edited the notorious scene out of the PC version. They did this of their own volition, since Russia doesn't have a formal ratings committee.

What Does Google Suggest Suggest About Humanity? 513

CNETNate writes "You'll laugh, but mostly you'll cry. Some of the questions Google gets asked to deliver results for is beyond worrying. 'Can you put peroxide in your ear?', 'Why would a pregnancy test be negative?', and 'Why can't I own a Canadian?' being just a selection of the truly baffling — and disturbing — questions Google is regularly forced to answer."

Michael Dell Says Windows 7 Will Make You Love PCs 627

ruphus13 writes "In a recent talk at the Churchill Club, Michael Dell addressed several topics, including the fact that Windows 7 is poised to take advantage of the upgrade cycle. Dell has always been a strong MS OEM ally and it is now hoping to cash in again from the impending upgrades. From the post: 'Dell made plain several times that he sees the installed base of technology as very old, and sees a coming "refresh cycle" for which he has high hopes. "The latest generation of chips from Intel is strong, particularly Nehalem," he said, adding, "and Windows 7 is on its way." (The operating system arrives Oct. 22nd, although Microsoft's large-volume licensees are already getting it.) He pointed out that many business are running Windows XP, which is eight years old. "I've been using Windows 7 for a long time now," he said, "and if you get the latest processor technology and Office 2010 with it, you will love your PC again. It's a dramatic improvement."'"

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