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Comment Re:Bleah (Score 1) 852

Starbuck was resurrected. Think Jesus. She was sent back with a purpose that she did not realize until she made the jump and they finally got to new Earth, then she got ascended.

Not to say I don't think it's crappy as a storyline but within the fictional universe if you buy "god did it", it's all pretty much explained.

Comment Re:What an idiotic statement (Score 1) 344

I disagree. I enjoyed my time in WoW but I thought the default interface was the biggest steaming pile of crud out of any major MMO I've played. The default raid interface is terrible, healing classes that don't use click heals and click cures are at a huge disadvantage, the rigidity of the button bars are awful, and this is after they've made all these UI changes.

EQ2 is the top UI out there in my opinion, you can pretty much make it look however you want it to without resorting to any third party applications.

Comment Re:Goldeneye!! (Score 1) 234

The problem with a Goldeneye port, as the Source mod demonstrates, is that when you're playing with a very responsive mouse and keyboard it completely changes the game. Half of the challenge in the original is just wrestling with the controls. Being able to swivel instantly and aim precisely means you're dead before you have a chance to react most of the time.

Comment Re:Soundtrack (Score 1) 523

I don't think he means it was explicitly referenced in the movie, but the song is pretty important to BSG. At one point a couple different people on the ship start hearing it in their heads at the same time and it leads to them discovering that they're cylons. There's a couple more plot points beyond that but it gets too much into the detail of the show.

Comment Re:All Vanguard Servers (Score 1) 39

Why play a game that has this PvE element at all? Is there a compelling reason you want unbalanced teams and a 20-30% handicap for not grinding? I sort of understand the thrill of "risking" something that you've invested time into, but when you invest time into a computer game for the sake of risking wasting it, it just seems very artificial. I prefer to just jump into the action and take the Pepsi challenge with people on an equal footing.

Comment Re:The simple one. (Score 1) 678

How often does your computer get so overloaded with adware, spyware, trojans and all other kinds of malicious software that it slows to a snail's pace? Yet that happened regularly with my younger siblings, my high school friends, and pretty much every shared family computer I've ever run into. It happened enough that people just assumed that's how computers went and they needed to buy a new computer because their old one was outdated.

If you blindly search for more popular terms you are likely to get a lot of seedy stuff popping up. You are not searching for Jonas Brothers ringtones, and if you were you have a better sense for what sites are malicious to begin with.

Comment Re:All Vanguard Servers (Score 1) 39

Or just boot up Dawn of War, Starcraft, Warcraft, Civ, TF2, Counter-Strike, Natural-Selection, Call of Duty, etc, etc, and go head-to-head with people on an equal footing and without all the timesink bullshit or the monthly fees. EVE or Planetside if you need an MMO fix truly designed for PvP. I never understood the PvP-or-die people that have nothing but disdain for "carebears" but insist on playing games where their main playstyle is a hastily cobbled together mishmosh of 80% "carebear" bullshit, 15% gank squad, 5% interesting combat.

Comment Re:The History Channel. (Score 1) 798

I left it on in the background while I was messing around on the computer the other weekend and the shows were literally the Bible Code, endtime prophecy, in search of the Loch Ness monster, something that managed to combine UFOs and Hitler... the closest thing they had to factual content was a documentary on modern day gangs that played like an episode of COPS. At one point some guy was walking around Stonehenge with a divining rod talking about how he could feel the pull of magnetic fields or something.

I guess it's easier to find crazies and just make shit up instead of actual historical content, but damn!

Comment Re:People still play vanguard? (Score 1) 39

Mostly people who value exploration and timesink accomplishment I think. The classes seemed pretty good to me after the revamps and I've heard the one raid zone they did eventually open was pretty fun although I never got near enough to try it out. They're in extreme danger of losing those people anyway now since an interesting dungeon that was available at launch and always broken was finally slated to be "released" in a completely revamped form last summer accompanying a level cap increase to 55... was delayed until the absolutely final deadline of March 1... no word has been received on it and then this announcement was made.

Besides all these delays, imagine the only content that is trickling out is one buggy dungeon per year. It's been up on test server for ten days and zero people have tried it out. Then imagine all that lag you experienced and multiply it by nine thousand when they raise the level cap to 55 and open up one group dungeon with a small raid area in the back as new tier content. Not to mention the fact that in Vanguard all of this is contested. Welcome back to EQ1 waiting on lines to experience this anemic content with nowhere else to go. The servers can still muster up enough people to ruin the experience.

Comment More Info: Graph (Score 1) 97

Sorry to make another post but there's a graph illustrating their server score algorithm applied to the last week of TF2 games across all servers. I'm betting they generated a couple different versions of this with different algorithms until they settled on their current one. The graph confused me a bit initially, it's just a distribution of the server scores compared to the total number of connections on those servers. The point was to demonstrate that on really "bad" servers that sham you there are a high number of connections because they gussy up the numbers to look attractive, which is Valve's impetus for solving the problem. The orange area on the right is how bad you have to get before they actively filter you out. Notice how relatively few of the servers are in the negative at all.

Comment All Vanguard Servers (Score 1) 39

According to their FAQ on the official forums they're adding it to *all* Vanguard servers, which is actually more problematic than in EQ2, which opened up specific new servers. Although I guess if you want to milk the cash cow and you only have four servers there's not much you can do.

I think this is a really poor move on Sony's part though, what little playerbase they have in VG tends to be the "hardcore" gamers that care about "accomplishments" and all that kind of time investment in the game. Especially considering Sony thought their RMT servers underperformed in EQ2 compared to their expectations.

Comment Re:Abuse (Score 2, Insightful) 97

There's not going to be enough kicks and bans versus active users in that situation to be significant. If you attract a consistent playerbase the score will be high. Just by the nature of TF2 I've seen vanishingly few cheaters able to make a noticeable impact on gameplay and you can't really screw up your own team short of just sitting in spawn to deny them a player.

Anyway I doubt "score" will become favored over ping and player count in terms of players choosing where to get in a quick game of TF2, it's mostly an effort to weed out the servers that are especially terrible. You don't really need to worry unless you're booting more people than stick around to play, in which case there really is something wrong.

Comment Re:Duh, they're CRAP... (Score 1) 753

I honestly don't think a lot of these shows are any worse than the ones on your list. I think we're in a very good era for TV. I find myself watching more shows than I ever have. Look at what we have on the air now: Lost, Psych, Burn Notice, Fringe, BSG, The Daily Show, The Office, House, Big Love, Flight of the Conchords, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Damages, 30 Rock. Watched the Castle pilot the other night and thought it was excellent entertainment, pure cheese but with a heart and a brain. I'm sure there's shows I've included or not included that you disagree with, but there is a lot of quality stuff on the air these days in terms of production value and writing.

I watched the old Charlie Rose with Conan from a couple years back and he commented that we were in a golden age of TV and he didn't even know if he could get a job writing today with how good and competitive the TV writers are. I'd have to agree. There's a *ton* of good stuff on these days. In the nineties everyone would have been going gaga over Fringe and even relative stinkers like Dollhouse.

Comment Re:Thread Jack: Dollhouse (Score 1) 753

It could develop into something good but right now it's really a waste of time. Everyone from the fanboys to the lead actress is saying "give it a couple episodes" because the first few have been heartless mediocre action with about two minutes of plot development. I'd check back in a month or two before spending any effort getting a hold of it.

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