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Comment Re:Where did the machines go? (Score 1) 172

Actually they will throw them away. Chertoff's company already made money on the scanners, which is the only reason they were ever purchased to begin with. Therefore, the scanners have already served their useful purpose and the government will now gladly scrap them. After all, its only tax money they wasted. They don't care.

Comment Re:Well, does the law force compliance? (Score 1) 316

Illinois is the exact opposite. NOBODY gets denied unemployment here. I even knew of someone who was fired for stealing merchandise and the company was not able to contest the unemployment filing because there was no police report of the theft. Then again, this is a welfare state and politicians here like it when people scam the benefit programs since it means they are more likely to vote Democrat as a way of saying thanks.

Comment Re:arrogant bankers (Score 1) 292

Not to mention, banks are run by MBAs. MBAs pride themselves on ignorance when it comes to technology. Actually, they think of themselves as very tech-savvy just because they know how to make Excel pivot tables. But they see no need to upgrade 10 year old applications with tons of security holes.

Comment Re:You don't (Score 1) 683

While unmaintainable code is a bad thing, the reality of it is there are no real warranties in the software world. Every product or service has terms that state something along the lines of "we are not liable for anything" and you aren't even entitled to so much as a refund of the purchase price, although many companies will refund money if the customer is super pissed and they want to keep the customer.

Comment Re:No persuasion required (Score 1) 510

Good idea. Lets go back in time 20 years just because it makes life easier for control-freak employers. Hire professionals, treat them well, and be amazed at the quality of work they do. Or continue your approach of paying peanuts, hiring monkeys, and being disappointed that they goof off all day. Which one do you think will lead to a better company overall?

Comment Re:Ban of outside laptops (Score 1) 510

This is a non-issue 99% of the time. Your company's competitors don't care about seeing your TPS reports. Besides, an unauthorized person could just print that report and take it out the door with them. I've never seen a company with restricted printing. I hate to disappoint you, but nobody cares about your data besides you.

Comment Re:Device administration software (Score 1) 510

This is the biggest problem with IT people. They put up with whatever shit gets shoveled onto them, and then wonder why management does not respect them. Try asking any other department to be on call 24/7, regularly work 60+ hours per week, never do personal stuff at the office, and be super-expendable whenever quarterly numbers fall a bit. It would not fly.

Comment Re:Simple solution, more government! (Score 1) 592

Liberals are OK with this, since Facebook is a liberal corporation. Tax breaks are only bad when used by conservative companies such as oil producers. This is the same reason you never hear liberals demonizing pro athletes or actors/singers for making a lot of money, but they will absolutely rip into wall streeters, many of which make less.

Comment Re:Freedom of Speech protects you from the governm (Score 3, Interesting) 1061

The IRS should however relentlessly audit the books of this organization. To make sure they are compliant, you know. If they end up costing the "church" a lot of money and frustration in the process, too bad so sad. If the Obama administration has no problem using government agencies to harass non-union companies, they should have no problem doing it to the Westboro terrorists.

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