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Comment Re:Java and Python (Score 1) 109

Java was so hip in the 90s, it meant cool hipster programmers with their Macbooks, sitting in a Starbucks all day, sipping their Frappuccino lattes, eating avocado toast, listening to acid jazz, and programming enterprise Java beans for the back-end and applets to dominate the web.

That was the marketing. In reality it was a slow, bloated platform that was insanely complex to properly deploy or develop for, and had all kinds of weird stability and memory usage issues. Those cool hipster programmers turned all out to be HB1s from India and after Oracle took over Java wasn't so free and open after all.

Comment Re:Anyone else? (Score 1) 105

Apple is investing heavily in planned obsolence of its products. So much for longer service life.
Also, Apple scans your harddrive and compares your files against a CSAM hash database. So much for privacy.
Then, the OS is not free and you are not allowed to modify any of it in any way. Can you safely run Windows on a M1?
And finally, you say the company that makes phones in sweatshop, takes a 35% cut of all transactions, and is known for market abuse, "holds to a higher ethical standard". Absurd.

Comment Re:Alternative (Score 1) 194

Maybe that works when the only light in your house is the lamp over your workstation. But it doesn't work when you have teenagers in your house leaving the lights on all the time, and every evening you have to make a tour around the house to turn them off. So I automated that: all lights are turned off at midnight. Using Hue this worked surprisingly well for many years, but now they have ruined the party. So I'm going to create a diyHue bridge to get rid of the C-suite crap.

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